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Author Topic: Game crashes back to login screen when I log in?  (Read 1402 times)

Game crashes back to login screen when I log in?
« on: January 25, 2011, 07:01:20 am »

So I installed FOnline client on my Windows XP ( home edition ) everything was working great, the dowloader was running smoothly, all was well. I then installed the actual game from the client, It installed swift and smoove! I was so excited to start playing when... I clicked the play button, took me to the games login screen, I logged on clicked start, said LOADING... then after a few seconds the game crashed back to the login screen :'( I tried 8 times and still same result. I  must have reinstalled the game100 times. Im not sure if this is happening because I extracted the .dats (master and critter) from my F2 file on win.rar and put them in another file (not sure if the game has to have a direct path to the .dat in this case win.rar, or if the master and critter dats could just be draged into another file and would still work out) it might be my graphics card as well? I really need help on this please im dying to play this game! :( and sorry for the whole friggin' story on it but I just wanted to include every detail please someone help!!?
A life without challenge is a life unlived
Re: Game crashes back to login screen when I log in?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2011, 07:19:53 am »

Have you run the updater?
Have you made necessary changes to config file?
created scripts folder in data directory?

Lots of things, maybe run through here and if problem persists please use that thread or try irc.
Re: Game crashes back to login screen when I log in?
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2011, 06:17:40 pm »

Ok thanks, and yes iv tried the updater, but everytime I run it, it looks like its gonna update, but then it just..stops, it dosnt disapear, and the button still says ...wait... but it wont do anything new, so I exact that, then when I click play it says something like "Game couldnt run because dx0011 ( or something like that) couldnt be found" and Im pretty sure my updater deletes that everytime I click it :/
A life without challenge is a life unlived
Re: Game crashes back to login screen when I log in?
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2011, 06:32:51 pm »

 OK so I download the client for FOnline 2238, everything is going good, the download is running smoothly, in no time its done. I then install the games launcher, which is also running great. It tells me to give the pathway to the MASTER and CRITTER .dats, so I do ( I extracted those from my win.rar Fallout 2 file, not sure if thats part of the problem or not ) And then it downloads, i excitedly push the play button on the launcher, register my character and login, I was a bit discouraged when I saw a bunch of red notices poping out from the bottom left corner of the login and play screen, they were saying File Couldnt be found and stuff like run updater.exe. and something about bald guy could not be found.... I ignore these, press play, it looks like the game is gonna start up! ( says LOADING... ) but after maybe 10 seconds it crashes back to the login and play screen, and the red notices are still there, I try to run it 8 more times, same outcome, I then decide to run the updater, it got a few "updates" in there when it just, stoped updating, I presumed it was taking way to long for an updater, i legit waited for like 40 mins :/ the button at the top was still saying ...wait... but i exit from the updater and press play in the launcher, it then tells me in a error message that "the path (or something) dx0011 (or something cant remember it exactly) could not be found. and it just keeps doing this, all of it! please somebody help! Im dying to play and this is just really upsetting ( heres a brand new defenition with more detail )
A life without challenge is a life unlived
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