Other > Faction Announcements

Cease Fire agreement between TKE and LHM

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The Klamath Eaters
Lost Hills Mutants
Cease Fire agreement has been made between our 2 factions.The agreement consits in allowing the Lost Hills Mutants to use The Klamath Eaters private mine with a tax of 10 Iron Ore and 10 Minerals per day and stop the shooting betwen both factions.

These terms of our agreement also consits in:

- LHM alliance will allow TKE to see their base.
 - TKE alliance will not interfere with LHM APK actions.
 - LHM alliance will not interfere with TKE PK actions.
 - LHM enemies are officially TKE enemies.
 - TKE enemies are officially LHM enemies.

Why do we must make public our agreement, and plus this is only my faction, no others are here

you can ass well call the faction The LagMasters(TLM)

Erm, who?


Wut u afraid u lose elections cuz u ally with PK's XD


--- Quote from: raynor009 on January 23, 2011, 09:59:32 pm ---
These terms of our agreement also consits in:

- LHM alliance will allow TKE to see their base.
 - LHM enemies are officially TKE enemies.
 - TKE enemies are officially LHM enemies.

--- End quote ---

More sounds like alliance than cease fire to me.


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