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Server Rules

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Allright i have a suggestion...

I was searching in Fonline 2238 forums/page for a Server Rules and cannot find any also cannot find anything in the process of registration or anywhere else why i moving this topic ? simple just get the jail for breaking a law i cant find anywhere and dont even know. So what's the point ? There is a need of list of Server rules. Im talking with Rusty about it (He said he and Wipe jailing the ppls but Wipe is not talkative because its late/early already i will just paste the conversation.
[01:45] <Sayak>  Hello with who i can talk about jail ?
[01:46] <Rusty> Wipe or me
[02:08] <Sayak2> I have a question where i can find a server rules ?
[02:08] <Rusty> try forums
[02:09] <Rusty> fonline2238.net
[02:09] <Sayak2> typing rules in search engine won't help me
[02:11] <Rusty> damn
[02:11] <Sayak2> ?
[02:11] <Rusty> check nma
[02:11] <Sayak2> nma ?
[02:11] <Rusty> no mutants allowed
[02:11] <Sayak2> ah
[02:12] <Rusty> "Don't be an ass" should do
[02:12] <Rusty> :)
[02:13] <Sayak2> I dont clearly understand so there is no rules ?
[02:15] <Rusty> There is
[02:15] <Rusty> sec
[02:17] <Rusty> http://www.fallout-files.de/sonstiges/fonline/FOnline2238.pdf
[02:17] <Rusty> manual
[02:21] <Sayak2> ah this i read it before playing
[02:23] <Sayak2> And i dont find any rules im asking because i just recive a 'jail' from Wipe for using 2 computers to fast reloging between characters but i cant see to write anything about this.
[02:23] <Sayak2> And i can't find any rules so i don't know what crime ive commited.
[02:24] <Sayak2> And what i should do to aviod it in future.
[02:25] <Rusty> Yeh, no botting or having 2 chars online at the same time
[02:25] <Sayak2> You know if rule is "Don't be an ass" i shouldn't recive any ban or anything cuz im friendly in game and im even helping new players and peoples in trouble.
[02:25] <Rusty> and there's 10 min wait between chars
[02:25] <Rusty> Yeh, some rules are not written yet
[02:27] <Sayak2> may end like me
[02:28] <Rusty> I agree
[02:28] <Sayak2> You know i think it's very unfair to punish someone for not written as well not available for players.
[02:28] <Sayak2> hmm i missed law word
[02:28] <Rusty> nothing about it in fonline 2238: in-game rules
[02:28] <Rusty> ?
[02:29] <Sayak2> I found only forum rules
[02:29] <Rusty> dang, the thread is pretty old
[02:29] <Sayak2> Nothing more
[02:29] <Rusty> http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=52832&sid=abcfb49cc40b9fddec593060c4ec6a85
[02:30] <Sayak2> I think there's should be any information about it on FO 2238 forums or maybe in registration process.
[02:31] <Rusty> Make a suggestion

So rules in god knows where topic or god knows where forum on god knows where page.
Mr. Wipe dear Admins please write the rules and make it reachable for common player if you want to use jails bans etc.

Be polite.
Be efficient.
Have a plan to steal everyone you meet.

1. GMs and admins are always right
2. Report bugs instead of exploiting it...
3. Use brain - it doesnt hurt.
4. Dont argue with GMs or admins.
5. And finally: Dont be an ass...

Short explanation:

1. That doesnt need any comment.
2. Bug is a bug and should be reported, no matter what it causes.
3. I.e. if there is anti alt system what would be consequences for trying to avoid it?
4. Even if they arent right - look at point 1.
5. Just dont try to be ass... no matter of kind... smartass is still ass.

The thread on NMA, which is not here yet. Some sunny day, we will post overhauled rules in here too.

So it means im jailed for rule that not yet exist ?


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