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Fallout D20 - is fan-made on-line RPG, based on NWN2

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--- Quote from: Graf on February 18, 2011, 08:24:12 am ---Beaver98, did you tried to insult me this way? O_o If so, then you've failed.

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Nope, just admiring your random bragging in totally unrelated threads.


--- Quote from: Beaver98 on February 18, 2011, 08:29:34 am ---Nope, just admiring your random bragging in totally unrelated threads.

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I'm not going to feed you any further, baby troll ;) If you think that I'm writing unrelated stuff, then you probably should read the whole topic before answering something like that. Dixi.

Art for inspiration:

Main Menu:

Multi-player Menu:

//please, follow our blog http://falloutd20.blogspot.com/ - it inspires developers :)


Hello, everybody! As you can see, we have several updates of our blog’s design. Now you can see all our project staff at the top of our logo. And there is a poster inviting for alfa-tests at the right, below the logo.

So, about the Alfa… We need volunteers for regular alfa-tests. And that may be you! That means, some of you will be able to check up the world of Fallout D20 very soon. We are going to launch Alfa at the end of March… And everything you need to be part of it is just sending (my e-mail 35@inbox.ru) further form fulfilled with your answers:

1. Your Age.
2. Your Country.
3. Do you have Never Winter Nights 2 (with both add-ons, not a pirate-version)?
4. What resolution do you play Never Winter Nights 2?
5. What is your video-card?
6. What time can you play/test?
7. Why should we choose you?)

 You have a month to join our testers' team! See you!


--- Quote from: MrNixon on February 26, 2011, 03:17:03 am ---not a pirate-version)

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What, you really expext us to have still the working CD somewhere?


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