who can update ras interface?
Move folder data from download zip file to folder with game
why not make it so, that you can add it like any other DATA file in the FO2238Config.exe ?
I downloaded the Clear Interface and I'm loving it.But the HP displayed is still in the old style oddly enough.Any idea how to fix this?Here is what it looks like now:http://postimage.org/image/94kxkal09/
just delete content of interface folder and then reinstall it , that should work ... probably u was having some other interface before and now some files are in conflict ^^
Well actually, this is the first interface I've used.The ZIP file contained the folder "data", which contained 2 folders: "art" and "fonts".When I copied "art" and "fonts" to my fonline "data" folder, the game wouldn't start. But when I dragged the "fonts" folder into the "art" folder, it works. But then the HP is shown strangely (as posted above).
just delete content of both folders but not the folder itself , and then click on updater now u should receive the normal datas and then u can extract ur interface