Other > Tools and Modifications

Interface Ras

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Nice ripping and flipping from many sources in there.
Pretty hard to come up with something original rather than puzzling stuff together, it seems.

Jimmy BoyX:
I smell Fallout 3 style. Not bad interface.

i have the same low importance problem than Aquare

and ye... it looks like some post post post futuristic interface

but its very nice anyway...

really nice mate, good job!

i think it would be really nice if u make too:

-character sheet
-trade/conversation window


--- Quote from: manero on January 17, 2011, 09:37:18 am ---Can you make it for 800/ 600?

--- End quote ---
I will try, to do ;)

--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on January 17, 2011, 04:02:15 am ---I've been wondering, in the fixboy, are you not able to enlarge the items in the list?  (Probably been thought of before and failed but still)

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unfortunately, I do not know how to do it now  : (

--- Quote from: Aquare on January 17, 2011, 09:47:52 am --- when you choose "ammo amount and deterioration display" as "lines and numbers" it is being displayed in "strange" place...

--- End quote ---
bug fixed, but I need to do some things yet and then do uptade


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