Other > Tools and Modifications
Interface Ras
Nice ripping and flipping from many sources in there.
Pretty hard to come up with something original rather than puzzling stuff together, it seems.
Jimmy BoyX:
I smell Fallout 3 style. Not bad interface.
i have the same low importance problem than Aquare
and ye... it looks like some post post post futuristic interface
but its very nice anyway...
really nice mate, good job!
i think it would be really nice if u make too:
-character sheet
-trade/conversation window
--- Quote from: manero on January 17, 2011, 09:37:18 am ---Can you make it for 800/ 600?
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I will try, to do ;)
--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on January 17, 2011, 04:02:15 am ---I've been wondering, in the fixboy, are you not able to enlarge the items in the list? (Probably been thought of before and failed but still)
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unfortunately, I do not know how to do it now : (
--- Quote from: Aquare on January 17, 2011, 09:47:52 am --- when you choose "ammo amount and deterioration display" as "lines and numbers" it is being displayed in "strange" place...
--- End quote ---
bug fixed, but I need to do some things yet and then do uptade
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