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--- Quote from: Bantz on January 16, 2011, 08:30:55 pm --- nobody forces you to play Farmville there.

--- End quote ---

LOL! Yes thats somehow true. No Facebook-agents with guns will show up at your home and say something like:
"we have your wife and if you dont buy xtra-coins for stupid piratebay games we will blow her head off!"
but you know how its working. nobody forces you this way to join facebook, but some firms want to see your
profile there, or all  your friends say: "facebook,facebook,facebook", or you read a interesting article on the internet
and want to download it - but you need a facebook account for this. WTF? This is crazy shit.psychoterror.


Facebook is nice if you want to know who is the equivalent of potato, who likes sex with animals and stuff. Also - you can share stupid comments/links with all your friends and use shitloads of idiotic applications.
And for real: Pretty good source of information about upcoming events and stuff which was going on lately. Everything based on your friend-base. Bad side? Lots of spam(especially if you have retarded friends. This is why I use anonymous account to have only most reliable people.)

Yeah. I use it.

I disagree with cheap rejecting of the FB. It is very similar to behaviour thats called cheap antiamericanism. Yes, there are a lot of things that i dont like, but on other way, there are benefits. I almost cancel ICQ and similar chat programs, i have list of my former university students i could ask if i have any problem, ... .

 But i admit that lost of freedom is huge.  I remember the time, when mobile phones were rare and i was first in my high school class who get one. It was pretty annoying to be connected with family, other friends just told when they will arive home, but i was still online. Now current state is worse. If you want to party with some friends but you dont want to tell this to another, you are automaticaly tagged by other people, ... .
 Those facts were that i refused to join for a long period of time. But then i remember story about beggining of mobile phones. Because i was first in my class, i enjoyed the first excitement with mobile phone, like texting and calling during school lessons, before the massive rise of this troll behaviour. So i was in overview when mobile era arived. One my friend, even from not poor family, but still without mobile phone, was curious, when this behaviour with those mobile phones would end. He expected that mobile telephoning would end at some time. Very funny to realize how he was wrong (he is not stupid, he works in Brusel for EU). Point is, that this friend of mine was on facebook even before me. I realized that this is natural progress of communication, even i dont think it is perfect, refusing of FB is kind of refusing of mobile phones.

 So more important is how to learn FB correctly, like you have to learn, that if you are in restaurant, phoning is improper.

 And one note at the end: FB is also kind of mirror. If you filtrate out "friends" you visit one time in pub or somewhere and you focus on your REAL friends, it is evidence even about yourself. So dont be strict to others, be strict to yourself in case of friends choosing.

Facebook is great when you wanna put your hand in ya pocket.

Deleted own Facebook account while ago..
It was useless.


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