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FOnline:2238 Forum
City factions, reputation and shrubberies
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Topic: City factions, reputation and shrubberies (Read 3332 times)
City factions, reputation and shrubberies
January 26, 2010, 02:06:52 am »
'I'm a vault city citizen now! Hurray! Oh, wait, three quests and thats it?'
'Oh boy, I sure killed eleven people in here. Bawww, my reputation is -7000'
'I like collecting shrubberies! :3'
As you join a faction or a city (cities are factions too right? nevermind) you are given some tasks daily or in some smaller amount of time. The quests are small favors selected randomly every time and could be something like: bring us a cow (or a shrubbery!), bring us a 10mm pistol (or a M72 LAW anti-tank rocket launcher!), some kind of armor, some ores, alloys, parts, anything random + random amount. Of course not some preposterous combination like 20 tesla armors. 1 armor/weapon, 1-7 resources/craftable items. If you complete the quest you are given some positive reputation in this group as well as some small but suitable amount of xp.
The second idea is that with every favor like this or
you gain some trust and level up socially. Eventually you get higher ranks and evolve from recruit to idontknowwhattowritehere etc which enables you eg to use crafting stations, special faction vendors, lockers, rooms, etc.
All this would be a nice refresh from constant farming and grinding, sometimes you'd be like 'hey! maybe searching for this item would be more fun than killing scorpions all day :3'. I don't know, it's just my idea, because sometimes I think this way and make myself some roleplay quests in this manner, and there are not so many quests ingame. The random particle makes it more rougelike and can surprise you, also its not so hard to do I guess. One npc in each faction would give those quests and the rewards.
Re: City factions, reputation and shrubberies
Reply #1 on:
January 26, 2010, 02:27:45 am »
I like it. I think randomised quests are the way to go for the moment.
Re: City factions, reputation and shrubberies
Reply #2 on:
January 26, 2010, 02:26:12 pm »
There is already something of this nature planned, with extra things built on top of it.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: City factions, reputation and shrubberies
Reply #3 on:
January 26, 2010, 08:27:20 pm »
Hopefully these faction quests will have some impact on whole faction's bussiness, not just some minor gain for the player. If there's some beggar asking for booze, rewarding you with some caps and exp, it's no differend from singleplayer.
However, it could be something like this:
"Go and assasinate brahmin herder in vault city"
"Kill NCR faction member"
"Steal secrets from san fransisco" - this means that when succesful, San Fransisco faction would lose these secrets.
"Poison modoc's well"
"Go on a killingspree at Salvatore's club"
"Bring our shopkeeper/quartermaster 10 first aid kits"
Each of these quests would either help the faction or damage other faction. That way there's player interaction going on because obviously the other faction does not want you to kill their brahmin herder or poison their well. These ideas are just mock ups without indept explanation of implementing them.
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FOnline:2238 Forum
City factions, reputation and shrubberies