Other > Faction Announcements

An agreement between TTTLA alliance and Chosen Soldiers was made.

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--- Quote from: bubbles on January 28, 2011, 04:08:00 am ---actually i dont get it...
could you be more specyfic? what is a real face of rogues?
ah nvm.
i forgot that you are a chosen soldier :]
huberciki no cheat ;-)

--- End quote ---

My picture has much in common with rogues as yours with Peacekeepers.
You do not even care about pasting chat in your image.
And emote special for you. ;)
Remember to add them more before you post.


How do you think which GM were shooting Rusty or Lexx?

Bubbles what can you tell about this image, are there your friends? or maybe you are there too.

I have hope that GMs will punish that what all this "TNB/Rogues" are doing, thats really preposterous.
And don't forget to draw conclusions from theese screenshots.

Enlighten me please, but what are those pictures suposed to mean?
1)Yes, thats FOCD, and yes, people were banned for using it. What does it have to do with current situation? Its probably very old screen.

2)Ok, Rusty and Lexx shooting some VC patrol, with some blackend out nicks. Even if it were Rogues, what does the picture shows? That Rusty and Lexx are helping Rogues? Or that they took them to some one time trip to show them their power?

OK ill enlighten you.
Post is new, and there's ReS, and his charcter is fresh/new.  :-*

And please enlighten me what this image means?

--- Quote from: bubbles on January 28, 2011, 12:22:25 am ---real face of PissKeepers  :p

its no fake ;-)

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Aminirth on January 28, 2011, 07:32:00 pm ---

How do you think which GM were shooting Rusty or Lexx?

Bubbles what can you tell about this image, are there your friends? or maybe you are there too.

I have hope that GMs will punish that what all this "TNB/Rogues" are doing, thats really preposterous.
And don't forget to draw conclusions from theese screenshots.

--- End quote ---

what i cant see there are rogues members.
what i can see is a pack of random players and screenshot made by someone who is using FOCD.
last wipe i was a member of CS and almost all of their chars has been banned for using it.
huberciki no cheat!xD


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