Other > Closed suggestions

Show the amount of item in hand


When you have caps, fruits, grenades, stimpaks or something like that in your hand, you cannot see the amount of it. You have to put them away to see the amount and this takes Action Points.

You can see how many bullets / shells you got left in weapons:

You cannot see how many grenades, stimpaks etc. you got left:

So, I suggest that you should see the amount of grenades, stimpaks etc... in the same way than pistols, rifles etc.

This is so obvious that nobody bothered to answer :D If you pm'd this to a dev, it'd prolly be included quite soon.

Nope, this would be a "engine feature", which is out of our hands for now.


--- Quote from: Lexx on January 25, 2010, 04:13:20 pm ---Nope, this would be a "engine feature", which is out of our hands for now.

--- End quote ---

I honestly rofl at our engine which has problems with simple things like elevators or adding an ammo display on interface.

It's because some things are done via engine and some via scripts. Elevators are done with scripts, interface changes are in the engine (still). Also keep in mind, the engine is not yet finished. Everything is work in progress.


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