Other > Gang Issues

Nice screen of dual log.

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--- Quote from: Dark Angel on January 09, 2011, 02:20:53 pm ---Signature war? ok.

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You cannot beat me.

--- Quote ---10. No GIF animations or other types of animations in signature/avatar.

--- End quote ---

Dark angel you're pwned.

It would seem that either it has finally been realized what this section was made for (to release anger, which was undoubtedly a lie earlier before this post because such threads would be junked) or the higher up team just don't care anymore, considering surf solar's post (Who has been acting childish himself for a while now).  Either way this is an awesome improvement to the gang issues section!  Entertainment and lulz for everyone.


--- Quote from: omens18pl on January 09, 2011, 12:07:03 pm ---Let's Troll Moooaaarrr.

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 But in my hands, there is a proof that you cheat!

--- Quote from: Wichura on January 09, 2011, 01:02:23 pm ---

Even if you win, you are still retarded!

--- End quote ---

 Yeah, i agree with this statement. Because we LOST!!!  :P


--- Quote from: Lordus on January 09, 2011, 08:55:09 pm --- But in my hands, there is a proof that you cheat!

 Yeah, i agree with this statement. Because we LOST!!!  :P

--- End quote ---

Just recruit more, and teach players how to fight good (I heard, that you have Rogues in your team, why don't you ask them to make some PvP trainings?)


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