Other > Gang Issues
Nice screen of dual log.
So, as I promised in thread about CS using dual/fast relogs, I have screenshot made by zipooo of PunXie and PunXi dualloging, as far I know PunXie is from -RDA- isn't he?
Here it comes!
BTW. It's not presonal war with PunXie or something.
dude... take it easy. U can't be sure it's a dual log, maybe he gave his second account to his team mate(who is not leveled up yet or too lazy to level up). Some players from my team used to give their accounts to recruits for pvp action(on another server).As far as i know sharing account with someone is not illegal here. Only posting a screenshot is not enought to make such conclusion, u need much more information - IP adress of both players and if they are same - GM's magic test...
and i'm not in RDA or CS. and not defending anyone, just want to share my opinion.
what am i looking at here?
In terms of concern, it's always a brother or the father playing with. Never a dual log.™
Thats right, i got 6 characters logged out in Hinkley arena and few of my gang mates used that chars. Sometimes waiting room is full of them. Am i triplelogger? Or quadrologger? ::) After wipe i would name them Manero1, Manero2 etc. That would be fun ;D
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