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Anyone know any good games?

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Jimmy BoyX:
Why do you duplicate topic? Here is topic about games http://fodev.net/forum/index.php?topic=10092.0


--- Quote from: Jimmy BoyX on January 12, 2011, 03:09:19 pm ---Why do you duplicate topic? Here is topic about games http://fodev.net/forum/index.php?topic=10092.0

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he is not asking what games people have he is asking what games are good and he should play and besides new games come out all the time so games that were on yours which is older then this one will have newer diffrent games. :)
--- Quote from: raynor009 on January 12, 2011, 01:45:03 pm ---Y thanks for suggestion but i dont fell like paying each month for a game ;) + in a 1 year or 2 tha crakcers release the server and i will be free just like they did with Metin 2 COD 4 COD 5 and so on.I played Freedom Fighters very good game i saw Freedom Fighters 2 on the Xbox 360 a while back.

Btw PC games please i got no Console

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u should have said only pc but you really should get a console they dont cost much and you get access to more games. :)

Console games ARE getting better oddly enough  :P

So yeah, getting a Xbox 360 or a ps3 isn't such a bad idea.

freedom fighters would be tight if there was zombie survival mod that would be great

Yep i should get a console.In fact i have a PSP but its brocken :( .I was thinking in getting a PS 3 i hear graphics are better than on the Xbox 360


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