Other > Faction Announcements

Heroic Midgets/Klamath Fried Geckos Forums up

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We are a new faction and I am currently developing the forum for the faction.
Any input would be awesome on what you think concerning the design.
Noticed some meshing problems with the picture links to the other pages on the forums - but its fixed when logged in.
Feel more than welcome to join the forums.  We dont mind new users.


Yup, Spiritwind, hussfy and I are the 3 founders of the Klamath Fried Geckos and Heroic Midgets factions

we are also looking for members that would be interested in joining out faction, we are well established members and we are looking for other well established people in the waste land of California to join us.

We welcome New Members to the faction, we are looking for friendly people that have experience in the waist land

also people that are willing to go on group hunting exersizes an so on (since those are always good fun ;D)

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Just Send either Spiritwind or I a PM or post in the topic if your interested in joining

I suggest you get a domain if u want people to even notice you.There is a free domain .tk on the internet.Here is the site

We plan to get a domain once we have the forums finished and are ready for mass recruitment.
Thanks for the suggestions.

i am looking for a faction for a while now... what kind of faction are u guys?


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