Other > Faction Announcements
Looking for a Faction
I played a bit before the wipe, but then got bored and left things as they were. I come back post-wipe, start a SG guy (only lvl 10 or so at the moment, but with potential for lvl 3 SG and lvl 1 Armor), have a bit of fun, but then leave again. Now, lead by unidentified inspiration, I'm back again with a Hth build (lvl 1 still, made today) that I hope will have at least some success.
I never joined a guild in the past due to an expectation that I'd be moving on eventually. I didn't want to make any commitments I wasn't intending to keep. This time, however, I think things will be different, as I've found that my SG character has been the target of some mysterious benefactor. Without explanation 100,000 caps have been transfered to my account. What a waste it would be to leave these unspent. 8)
My schedule can get busy, so I'm semi-active (no less than once a week, provided things stay interesting). I do enjoy roleplaying from time to time, but it isn't mandatory. I live in -5 GMT and speak English.
If you are ok with being APK, you can join our faction, the Crazy 88. Just click my signature pic and you will find our recruitment post.
Good luck!
You could join my faction The head hurters *stupid name i know*
we have plenty of supplies for crafters mainly what we need is crafters :)
Thanks :)
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