FOnline Development > General Discussion
Tiny SDK problem
I got a tiny problem with the russian files from the SDK.Is text like this.
{300}{}{Äë˙ ďđîčçâîäńňâŕ ňđĺáóĺňń˙ íŕőîäčňüń˙ đ˙äîě ńî cďĺöčŕëüíűě ńňŕíęîě čëč âĺđńňŕęîě.}
{301}{}{Ńňŕíîę čëč âĺđńňŕę â íĺđŕáîňîńďîńîáíîě ńîńňî˙íčč. Ďđîčçâîäńňâî íĺâîçěîćíî. Ďîďđîáóéňĺ ďîçćĺ.}
{302}{}{Ńňŕíîę čëč âĺđńňŕę â íĺđŕáîňîńďîńîáíîě ńîńňî˙íčč. Ďđîčçâĺäĺí ěŕęńčěóě âîçěîćíűő ďđĺäěĺňîâ. Ďđîčçâîäńňâî íĺâîçěîćíî.}
What i want to do is make it apear like normal russian words.I know this arent the reals ones.What i want to do is translate all thats russian in english and then probably in other languages.So any help fixing my problem is apreciated.
Did you try to open these files with Notepad++ ?
I only open with Notepad++
In Notepad++, select Encoding --> Character sets --> Cyrillic --> Windows-1251
It worked thanks.
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