Other > Junktown
Problem of insults. I need the mail adress of developpers.
--- Quote from: TheGreenHand on December 27, 2010, 10:07:42 pm ---I too have been sucked into this useless thread. It is just a game, so stop asking mommy to protect you from the mean bullies. It's a harsh game so expect harsh reactions, though racism is never necessary. You were a dick to your friends and now you're a whiner to everybody on the forum. This thread is in need for a good closing and Junk archiving.
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Harsh doesn't mean you have to insult other players.
Effectively I don't want a such game......
I 'm playing for fun. If I want to be insulted I pay a professionnal dominative woman.
I don't think you'll be able to recruit new players with a such policy: insults are tolerated (but for few "privilegiate" people only, for others no).
And by posing this problem of insults this thread is VERY useful.
Here is my final word :
He never broke the rules ? Let's play his game :
--- Quote ---[...] However they won't do anything unless they witness an actual rule violation.
First rule of Fonline - Exploiting a bug or abusing of a feature (this includes security failures in guarded towns).
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You used a bug, or a lack of feature, which is in this case the possibility to remove someone from a base without killing him, to use it at your advantage to reach a base that was not yours.
--- Quote ---Last rule - Slowing down the beta process by being clearly not focused on testing properly the game or preventing other people to test it properly.
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By raping bases, or using such process which is totally unfair (mostly by doing in during the night when nobody can even defend himself), you made people leave the test. And more than one, I can tell. Some return, most not. You're ruining game experience and fun of others, because it's your way to have fun. Now face the consequences of your actions.
It is proven that these rules have been transgressed by Zozio and his friends.
He tries to make us ban, even a GM by the way, people that are respected and known on this game (don't you want to make Cryofluid banned, I mean, it doesnt matter after everyone you decided to be judged ?), for a rule that he transgressed also. What should we do about him ? Pay him a beer maybe ? Or get him to the hospital...
--- Quote from: Shangalar on December 27, 2010, 11:24:46 pm ---Here is my final word :
He never broke the rules ? Let's play his game :
You used a bug, or a lack of feature, which is in this case the possibility to remove someone from a base without killing him, to use it at your advantage to reach a base that was not yours.
By raping bases, or using such process which is totally unfair (mostly by doing in during the night when nobody can even defend himself), you made people leave the test. And more than one, I can tell. Some return, most not. You're ruining game experience and fun of others, because it's your way to have fun. Now face the consequences of your actions.
It is proven that these rules have been transgressed by Zozio and his friends.
He tries to make us ban, even a GM by the way, people that are respected and known on this game (don't you want to make Cryofluid banned, I mean, it doesnt matter after everyone you decided to be judged ?), for a rule that he transgressed also. What should we do about him ? Pay him a beer maybe ? Or get him to the hospital...
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NO It is not a bug, it is YOUR interpretation, not the devs one, and you are not one of them. It is possible to attack bases since the begining of Fonline. Nobody has been punished for that.
This possibility, well known possibility, has never beeen changed by devs: devs WANT this possibility. And it would be easy to change it.
SO: it is NOT an exploit bug.
I can make a nice rethoric for you in the same style:
By PKing players, or using such process which is totally unfair (mostly by doing in during the night when nobody can even defend himself), you made people leave the test. And more than one, I can tell. Some return, most not. You're ruining game experience and fun of others, because it's your way to have fun. Now face the consequences of your actions.
It is proven that these rules have been transgressed by Shangalar and his friends.
And you have already been PK.
And I didn't request the ban for the GM who has not insulted me. But I request a seriuos recall for the necessary neutrality for him from the devs, because he covers his friends insults.
PS: if you're worrying about " ruining game experience and fun of others" you should be worried about insults.
Playing Pvp is useful for the test. Didn't you see all these changes about guns damages for example ?
--- Quote from: Shangalar on December 27, 2010, 11:39:23 pm ---Playing Pvp is useful for the test. Didn't you see all these changes about guns damages for example ?
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Don't be so hypocrit, everyboddy knows you have not only killed well armed Chosen Soldiers but also little bluesuits.
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