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Author Topic: Another GM abuse ;)  (Read 11062 times)


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Re: Another GM abuse ;)
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2010, 04:11:40 pm »

It's a pain that the devs act like that, I understand your feelings and I would wait for an apologise from that particular DEV, I doubt that he will actually, but that would be nice of him and show you that he realises that such behaviour is abnormal for anyone who respects himself and the people that surround him. I realise that typing this post may get me banned because I've dared to give a DEV a hint on what he should do, but I've also encountered weird behaviour from one of the GMs (Skaven) and never seen him apologise, so I'll take the risk.

PS I love the fact that this thread doesn't get locked/moved to junk, looks like our world is getting better after all.  :P
« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 04:13:42 pm by Bulldog »
English is not my native language, go easy on me.


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Re: Another GM abuse ;)
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2010, 04:15:11 pm »

One of the old devs drank too much and connected to server. He trolled around a bit, nothing serious. In the end he did kill one player, but after the player shot at him, or so he claims.

Everything is fine, no need to call GMs for abuse. Keep playing, have fun!

Thats the closest you're getting.

Now if the storm in a tea cup is over, so is this thread.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
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