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Author Topic: Housing !  (Read 14649 times)

Re: Housing !
« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2010, 01:22:54 am »

well it would be sweet if you could share your house, like the computer in bases. You type in the name of the one you want to be able to find your house...

... and let your alts to use one stash  ;D
Re: Housing !
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2010, 01:25:49 am »

i think an outdoorsman/repair based log cabin would be a good idea, say 10 wood or something, more practical material for house building than the junk or alloy ideas


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Re: Housing !
« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2010, 01:33:59 am »

Build your own Vault!
10000 metal parts
10000 alloys
10000 electrical parts
1 water chip
start farming today for better tomorrow!
Re: Housing !
« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2010, 01:37:48 am »

Build your own Vault!
10000 metal parts
10000 alloys
10000 electrical parts
1 water chip
start farming today for better tomorrow!

what about hydroelecric magnosphere regulator ?


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Re: Housing !
« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2010, 01:41:48 am »

Something I've been hoping for awhile.  Ah, time to put in a few extra options of housing.  

Klamanth and Den-
Both have a unique environment, Klamanth having an underground system which seems like everyone has forgotten about.  

Klamanth: Underground sewer Bolt-hole
This is a small storage room thats been cleared of debris and made... habitable, to an extent.  You acquire it by speaking to that nasty bartender in the Gecko bar (name escapes me right now), because he's a known shady dealer and would probably know of hiding spots and hidden routes of the undercity sewers.  A small fee, and you have a nice little hovel to put stuff.

Payment: Could be in caps, or possibly even golden gecko pelts seeing as how thats the lifeblood of the area and possibly something early nubs could farm and save up for.  It should be relatively cheap, as this will be little better than a tent. However, having a stash to put stuff here while having your tent(or main home) in a more important location.  This is intended for nubs as well as everyone else, serving a purpose in PVP to put ill-gotten loot.  

Disadvantage: Newbs will not have to worry about this much, because of their state they shouldnt have too much of value stashed but the basics.  However, for PKs and others who fill their bolt-hole with too much loot may find their stash being sold out by that Bartender.  Once the value within the Bolt-hole gets so high, and beyond, the chance rises that at random intervals, the Bartender will try to call over Players, and  essentially sell the location of a, "Juicy treasure of someones hidden goods!  For some caps, I'll show you how to find their stash below the city..."   This might be triggered instantly, perhaps, if the value within the Bolt-hole jumps drastically (like someone just got a CA and is seeking to store it) and if unlucky, he sells the location within days.    Another disadvantage is that vermin may infest the stash, causing some random loot to be destroyed in the process.  Another thing nubs wont have to worry much about, but large stashes would.

How to get in and out: After purchase, there should be several methods of entering that befits its unique location.  1) You should be able to use a certain sewer path beneath the Trappertown to go directly to it. (Anyone remember that useless terminal down there?  It has a use now! With a special sequence code given from the Bartender, it basically is what lets you get to your Bolt-hole.  Fluffer: The sequence changes old sewer floodgates and alters some paths, thus letting individuals get to their personal Bolt-holes while remaining separate from everyone elses.)   Maybe pk in town chases you, you can simply escape to the sewers. HOWEVER, if he has high enough Science (like +150%) he can trace remains of part of your Sequence code.  If he stalks and does it enough times to the same person, he may piece together the number which lets him follow his prey all the way home...
Now continuing, you should be able to return to the main sewers everyone is familiar with down there from your Bolt-hole.  2) You should be able to get to the Bolt-hole from the World Map directly.  Possibly requiring a tool on your person, like a Crowbar to sneak from outside town to the Bolt-hole.  This could be a method of PVP as well, giving people who went through the trouble of acquiring the Bolt-hole and keeping it hidden, letting ambushers swarm from the sewers upon their enemies.  Epic sewer fight below the city, anyone?  

Physical Details!:The Bolt-hole could be the bottom of a ladder alcove, that used to lead up to the outside world, though which is long since covered with desert or ruins.  It could be a small equipment storage closet, with the hulking remains of some kind of pump occupying half the space of the room.  Overall it should be cluttered, dirty, and with little room to move around in, with a little crate for storing stuff as well as the floor.  When exiting, one uses a wall terminal just outside the room/alcove in the main sewer tunnel, letting you choose where to exit: Main sewer or straight to World Map.  Going straight to World Map might require a Outdoors or other Skill check, possibly with random encounters depending on the result.  Maybe failures tossing you back to the Main sewer due to you becoming lost and having to return there as it was the only sure location you knew of.  

Ok, I wrote alot more than I wanted.  I have more for another cave location(With its own little quirks) for a single person to hide, as well as others for the remaining cities.  I am confident I could conceivably come up with one special 'home' per city because of the unique environments and city parameters each represents.  Please give feedback.
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"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."- Rorschach
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Re: Housing !
« Reply #35 on: January 25, 2010, 01:52:21 am »

Nice idea i think devs will hate us for too many ideas xD
Re: Housing !
« Reply #36 on: January 25, 2010, 02:22:05 am »

Something I've been hoping for awhile.  Ah, time to put in a few extra options of housing.  

Very impressed with that idea. I'm also a huge fan of the disadvantages - I don't think any place to store gear/cash inworld should be totally safe. Bases should be sieged, banks robbed and stashes loot.

I like the idea of replacing tents with more town-specific places to live. I'm not totally sure why, but there's something about the idea of every player being based in a specific town that really of appeals to me.


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Re: Housing !
« Reply #37 on: January 25, 2010, 02:26:53 am »

I very much like the housing ideas. I think when you make a new tent (or house if this works out) your old one should stay for an amount of time, maybe 24 real time hours. This would help anyone making a new tent to transport all their items without wandering the wastes with them. It would especially help if the houses are made by talking to NPCs, because it would prevent them from being prime camping spots.
Re: Housing !
« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2010, 05:44:43 pm »

So So So dear Devs what we gonna do ?


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Re: Housing !
« Reply #39 on: January 25, 2010, 06:09:01 pm »

Something I've been hoping for awhile.  Ah, time to put in a few extra options of housing.  

A very extensive sewer system exists in Necropolis, as well.
The ghouls could surely use some filled waterbags as a rent payment.  ;D
(their pump could get broken, after such a long time)


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Re: Housing !
« Reply #40 on: January 25, 2010, 06:28:51 pm »

If a house has a rent or risk to lose the stuff stashed there it had better have some bigass advantages. Even though Gatling's(Perriack?) sewer hole sounds interesting, new and original the drawbacks are way too awful. Not to mention complexity. So what if it's a second stash? There's nothing around klamath anyway.

Probably some people would use it just out of interest, but guys who like to play it safe wouldn't bother. However once we get some dept to the game and each town is worth visiting, there could be some unique stashes in all towns. This sewer hole could indeed work in as such in klamath. Let's remember this.
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Re: Housing !
« Reply #41 on: January 25, 2010, 06:55:05 pm »

Those Ideas here are nice, but aren't worth anything if no concrete description how to implement and to purchase are made. ;)
Also, someone has to make the maps first.


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Re: Housing !
« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2010, 07:23:11 pm »

(Yes, Perriack.)  I didnt say it had rent.  Once you bought it, thats it, you always have this (mixed?) bag of a stash there directly within the city limits.  Long as you dont hoard a fuckton of expensive crap, you wont have a worry in the world about it.  Its supposed to present unique advantages to a high lvl player wanting one, as well as providing some basic needs and other options to a new player (like having this and a tent, which would make it easier for crafters among other types, mainly to the fact that anyone without a plethora of bases to visit, trekking across the wasteland full of crap really sucks.  With one tent only option for new people, they frequently get totally anchored down to an area (NCR notably comes to mind) because they are quite unable to get far without dying, and the unguarded towns offer not enough incentive to stay around or place their tent there.  Now... if they had some small options for little stashes, they may move around more.  They could be active in an area, stash their stuff, and move on when it suits them or they die.  Spawning near NCR wont be so ungodly boring and annoying if you have some crafting stuff down there and just do some work before walking, letting the cooldown tick down as you travel. As well as serving as a simple escape route.)  And the thing around Klamanth is Players.     

I'm probably also forgetting how every big gang has a tent full of crap outside every PVP town so they can get instantly rearmed?  That taxi-throw away chars have made so 9 people got access to it at a time?  Or maybe not Everyone has access to one base, let alone several as a handful of gangs ingame I believe continue to do.  I believe in making playing solo or in smaller groups to be a little essential instead of being railroaded into having to group together around bases or safe cities.  But eh, maybe I'm anti-establishment. 

As for Surf Solar:  how to be implemented?  We're not all devs and can talk in parlance to get something like that across.  Most of us probably don't Know exactly the kind of changes this level of work would require, so how are we supposed to 'give a description of how to implement it' ?  As for purchasing, that can be more detailed After the initial idea has been modified/rejected/accepted.  As evidenced already, there are different views on it.  For the small detail of the purchasing, that can come later if the idea is well received and  will benefit from such a detail.

 Or plain shot down by an admin who comes out and says this would be too difficult to Implement(which I am keeping an eye out for).  Which would be useful, because then I could think of something else instead of this present idea.
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Re: Housing !
« Reply #43 on: January 26, 2010, 12:36:31 am »

holy crap this idea Owns... *Claps*
Founder of Fallout Online Australia
Re: Housing !
« Reply #44 on: February 02, 2010, 06:43:21 pm »

i written few more words dont forger about housing comment !
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