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Author Topic: Less bitchy people in the wasteland  (Read 4685 times)


  • The Intelligence Quotient
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Re: Less bitchy people in the wasteland
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2010, 04:46:33 am »

It makes sense for the guards to say "Step away" because honestly they have to watch their own asses and to do that they need personal space, there are several reasons for guards to tell you not to get too close. This can range from them suspecting you to have sticky fingers, you planting a bomb, they don't want you more than an arms length away for fear of wasteland rape, your breath smelling like boiled shit(No toothpaste in wasteland, what used to be a toothpaste is solidified, and makes you hallucinate because of how long it's been expired, probably killing you after your trip or during it), you could be carrying some horrid disease that could wipe out an entire NPC faction, or you're just really annoying.

Back in the day when I actually played, if someone stood too close to me, I'd blow their fucking skulls off regardless who they were... And I was generally a nice guy... If a nuclear holocaust were reality I'd be even more certain to blow your fucking skull off, because you're pretty much in my personal space, and I don't want you trying to rub up against...

On another note, running past these guards does not get you killed, this makes me think this suggestion is trying to lift anti steal/rape defenses, because the only way you can really get them to attack you is staying in their  personal fucking space.

Inotherwords, give a G some space BITCH!


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Re: Less bitchy people in the wasteland
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2010, 04:53:08 am »

It makes sense for the guards to say "Step away" because honestly they have to watch their own asses and to do that they need personal space, there are several reasons for guards to tell you not to get too close. This can range from them suspecting you to have sticky fingers, you planting a bomb, they don't want you more than an arms length away for fear of wasteland rape, your breath smelling like boiled shit(No toothpaste in wasteland, what used to be a toothpaste is solidified, and makes you hallucinate because of how long it's been expired, probably killing you after your trip or during it), you could be carrying some horrid disease that could wipe out an entire NPC faction, or you're just really annoying.

Back in the day when I actually played, if someone stood too close to me, I'd blow their fucking skulls off regardless who they were... And I was generally a nice guy... If a nuclear holocaust were reality I'd be even more certain to blow your fucking skull off, because you're pretty much in my personal space, and I don't want you trying to rub up against...

On another note, running past these guards does not get you killed, this makes me think this suggestion is trying to lift anti steal/rape defenses, because the only way you can really get them to attack you is staying in their  personal fucking space.

Inotherwords, give a G some space BITCH!

Your comment is quite offensive. You have no need to call me a bitch. You are saying I am or at least want to be a thief (that is not true, and if you read some other comments you'll see there are other people who think the same as me, and not cause they want to steal from anybody). And you say I'm "pretty much" in your "personal space" when it is you who showed up just to call me a bitch.

Get a life.


  • The Intelligence Quotient
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Re: Less bitchy people in the wasteland
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2010, 05:08:31 am »

Take a joke, the entire way that last sentence was stated makes it obviously satire, if I were really calling you a bitch I'd just say "You're a bitch" rather than using Gangsta Dialogue.


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Re: Less bitchy people in the wasteland
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2010, 05:28:41 am »

Take a joke, the entire way that last sentence was stated makes it obviously satire, if I were really calling you a bitch I'd just say "You're a bitch" rather than using Gangsta Dialogue.

Re: Less bitchy people in the wasteland
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2010, 01:52:52 pm »

I dont think a merchants bodyguards really care about his safety... quite a few times they burst while he is infront of them and poor guy dies... they dont even loot him most of the time... but unfortunately encounter merchants dont really have anything that good apart from the grease smgs.

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Re: Less bitchy people in the wasteland
« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2010, 02:15:55 pm »

I remember the good ole modoc days where you got shot because u were standing too close to some player with a gun.

Guns make the law, if you have one you are in a position to choose, shoot or not. Thats what caravan guards and merchants are. Who says they are good persons? Sure they are no raiders, but they dont give a shit about some dude been killed because he wasnt keeping his distance.



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Re: Less bitchy people in the wasteland
« Reply #21 on: September 17, 2010, 02:19:38 pm »

I have a pretty hilarious story about this, about two wipes ago, I acidentally came too close to a BH caravan, so they started shooting at me, only problem was that 2 of them were in their line of fire, and they decided to burst, so needless to say, they slaughtered each other to a point, I just had to finish them off with my dude, them running out of ammo and all... I just loved the idiocy that the AI can get into sometimes... :D
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1


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Re: Less bitchy people in the wasteland
« Reply #22 on: September 17, 2010, 03:06:17 pm »

Guns make the law, if you have one you are in a position to choose, shoot or not. Thats what caravan guards and merchants are. Who says they are good persons? Sure they are no raiders, but they dont give a shit about some dude been killed because he wasnt keeping his distance.

If guns made the law, why would there be merchants and "money" and shit? That's more of a raider-like thought. Anyway, it seems everyone is obsessed about shooting and killing and nobody read these comments:

Maybe some of them are bugged?  Not sure if anyone noted, but its the new encounters that seem to do that right now? Like Merchant Party (of death).  They shout rather quick to holster the weapon, and if you have a few second lag on map load, well... they attack you pretty damn fast.

-So I think the AI in regards to this is more bug than design..

It's bugged. Happened to me at Prospectors and some other Redding Encounters too. How should they even notice I have my gun not holstered when I am 1 hex from exitgrid away? ;)


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Re: Less bitchy people in the wasteland
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2010, 10:39:20 am »

Well if I may share my opinion...

I think Eternauta has got the right idea. Merchants aren't scum who have to threaten people using guns, they might be scaring off potential clients! I'm sick and tired of going into a map and wandering around only to find that I encountered a merchant and one of his burly guards has just sprayed my face with his SMG just because I'm standing too close with my pathetic BB gun and ridiculous blue suit.

I can understand the NCR army not wanting a civilian standing too close to them on patrol, but a merchant shouting at some poor guy for standing too close seems somewhat absurd.

But I'm not complaining. The developers of this game have already achieved what would take me a lifetime to do  :)
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