Other > Closed suggestions
Make cars visible for everyone!
Make cars on map visible for everyone!
Caravan Traps was the best part of the game, why there is no more of them?
Newbies ones were mad about this - but what is the problem to do not entering the dot on map?
Bring them back, it was the only one fun for PK... Now i can only walk on wastes, search players and kill them. It takes long and its boooring.
well its true cose finding alone players is hard and its a bit "Sad" cose of killing an Bluesiut who tries to survive ^^
There is no more Wars except Town Controls...
SO....Bring back the Caravan Circles
--- Quote from: Schwartz on December 19, 2010, 01:39:12 pm ---Bring them back, it was the only one fun for PK... Now i can only walk on wastes, search players and kill them. It takes long and its boooring.
--- End quote ---
Poor pks. Your life must be so harsh.
Not happening.
--- Quote from: Ghosthack on December 19, 2010, 01:42:13 pm ---Not happening.
--- End quote ---
But why? Where is a reason to not doing this?
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