Other > Closed suggestions

Make cars visible for everyone!

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Make cars on map visible for everyone!
Caravan Traps was the best part of the game, why there is no more of them?
Newbies ones were mad about this - but what is the problem to do not entering the dot on map?
Bring them back, it was the only one fun for PK... Now i can only walk on wastes, search players and kill them. It takes long and its boooring.

well its true cose finding alone players is hard and its a bit "Sad" cose of killing an Bluesiut who tries to survive ^^
There is no more Wars except Town Controls...
SO....Bring back the Caravan Circles


--- Quote from: Schwartz on December 19, 2010, 01:39:12 pm ---Bring them back, it was the only one fun for PK... Now i can only walk on wastes, search players and kill them. It takes long and its boooring.
--- End quote ---

Poor pks. Your life must be so harsh.

Not happening.


--- Quote from: Ghosthack on December 19, 2010, 01:42:13 pm ---Not happening.

--- End quote ---

But why? Where is a reason to not doing this?


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