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Golden Geckos and Mr.Fixit
Where can i find golden geckos and is perk mr fixit available?
You can find Golden Geckos up around Gecko.
Try north of the town a little bit, and you should encounter groups of 4-6 or so, with only one or two silver ones.
Just note that these ones are all prefixed with Tough, which means that there are probably some easier ones out there somewhere,
I just don't know where... :-\
Thanks a lot crunchtag :) . Anyone here know about Mr.Fixit perk?? I hope it hasn't been removed from game... :/
Unfortunately Mr. Fixit has been removed.
ffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuu........ :(
Is there any possibility to bring it back?? Come on it just give +10% to science and repair...
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