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Epic Quotes

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--- Quote from: Pandaeb on July 09, 2012, 12:17:05 am ---Nice? What's nice in 16 hexes, one tent and junktown-guard lookalike surrounded by water? Is that best map ever you call it nice? Or wtf? Stop making that randomness updates, start doing something with tc. Its fakin bugged. And Reno fights can get boring in no time.

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--- Quote from: Pandaeb on July 09, 2012, 12:24:18 am ---Oh well, and you played bingo with ya fellas when is it gonna start? Good time spending, really. But you know what? TC is still faking bugged!

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--- Quote from: Kanly on July 17, 2012, 03:28:03 am ---There is no exploit , there is strategy
There is no bug, there is feature
There is no cheating, there is knowledge
There is no death, there is respawn.

Most Players embrace the Code, that the Lag be with you ; )

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--- Quote ---<[GE]Ben_Gorgon> actually not particularly interested in playing, they destroyed crafting so nothing I consider fun
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--- Quote from: Stration on July 27, 2012, 05:02:53 pm ---Wouldn't it be good to have the ability to end your life whenever you please? I certainly think so.

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Hejmr excusing the use of slaves in pvp.

<hejmr> slaves wanted to do preview
<hejmr> but misclicked
<hejmr> sorry


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