Orrrr, players stop donating and this server will be shut down anyway. Its not only devs decision or is it?
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies
i will donate but please fix this TC...
<+Wichura> can i hide in a toilet with lumberjack char?<+Wichura> or do i need real ape with guns and stuff?
I'm just not in a good mood , so i will just verbally destroy you if you keep talking about things you don't know and don't understand and have not much to do with.
Sure :>
Raping bases arent bad... if ur not raping guys u played a lot and left from in good relations. I wouldnt mind to rape some TTLA or CS but even that BBS split from Rogues in some bad atmosphere I wouldnt rape ur base 4 example... my point of view, agree or not.
The Fists have mach more than three members. Our crafters are badasses
seriously, mister pheonix. you banner.. its imposing on my privacy.. In fact.. I loath any thread you are in.. what are you a fucking KGB agent.. threatening me? I think you're banner is in serious bad taste.. and would ask for you to remove it.. otherwise.. I'm going to check you're IP and report you packet spamming my address, OK?
I tested dying in reno,