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On auction thread about placeable lockers that can be aquired through bug with dissasembling specific items with high Science and Support Perk. Solar already declared this is a bug to be fixed.

--- Quote from: ErnestGaskin on January 18, 2012, 04:26:49 pm ---thank you, jovanka. thats exactly the insight i needed. and if you cant trust jovanka, there is nothing in fonline universe you can trust anymore.

offering 2 caps, just to get it out of jovankas hands.

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--- Quote ---<gr1m>   suck dick more wichura i get banned and kicked everytime i troll back so i well say nothing more
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Boy, lnr2troll then.


--- Quote from: Wichura on January 21, 2012, 12:17:33 am ---Since when you are taking care of loners so much?

Also here, have some spare dots: ................
Use them wisely.

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--- Quote from: Avv ---New changelog:
+3 random bugs

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--- Quote from: Rejfyl on January 08, 2012, 07:00:02 pm ---This game is too fast to ask someone if he wants a fight or not. In most situations you would be dead before getting the answer.

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--- Quote from: JovankaB on January 08, 2012, 07:04:01 pm ---No it's not. You don't need to ask anyone, just don't shoot at unknown people like lobotomized ape.
Lot's of people play this way, including some PvP gangs. If you are too scared, it's your problem.

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