This is a query between me and Harald.
<avv> are you sure you want to query to this guy?
<Harald> :/
<Harald> What do you mean?
<avv> hard to put it nicely
<avv> ill just say he's mental case
<Harald> Just tell me what is with him :/
<avv> youll prolly end up getting hundreds of pms from him
<Harald> :/
<Harald> Who is this guy? :/
<Harald> Dude, that guy is fucked up...
<Harald> Is he just retarded or something?
<Harald> Avv, help me!!!!
<Harald> I think I just burned out my eyes with his low quality model that is meant to be a hummer but actually is somekind of cubes put together that look like lego offroad police car..
<Harald> DUUUDE!!!
<Harald> Dude, he's going crazy now!
<Harald> I understand you now...
<Harald> He's really retarded or something alike
<avv> okay this is legendary
<Harald> What?
<avv> your reaction. i knew this would happen
<Harald> But...
<avv> i warned you :I
<Harald> Come on, he isn't in friends with his own brain!
<Harald> If he has brain ofcourse...
<Harald> In FOnline everyone warns you about something, but it's really nice to try what they warn you about, isn't it, eh?
<Harald> God, I left the #2238 just to get rid of that guy...
<Harald> But I want back in #2238
<Harald> But there's that guy...
<avv> just ignore him
<Harald> What's he saying now?
<Harald> What's he saying now?
<avv> hes driving you mad, gosh!
<Harald> I'm getting paranoic, you know

<avv> dont take it on me, i have to defend my mental health aswell
<Harald> Talking with him can make bad stuff happen
<Harald> Ok, there we go...
<Harald> Wow, he actually shat up...