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Epic Quotes

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--- Quote ---[20:22] @Killian: finds the closest large object and gives Jackall a slap with it
[20:22] falloutdudee 15[11~IceChat7711@x11-468111.dsl11.bell11.ca15] has quit 15IRC
[20:22] adams 15[11~adams11@x11-401711.17811-4111-2411.t11-com11.sk15] has quit 15IRC
[20:22] [C88]Vilgefortz 15[11~chatzilla11@x11-358111.adsl11.inetia11.pl15] has quit 15IRC
[20:22] Simon|afk 15[11~Simon11@x11-579611.carlnfd111.nsw11.optusnet11.com11.au15] has quit 15IRC
[20:22] @Killian: You see?
[20:22] Jackall: What a slap!
[20:22] @Killian: I saved you from the netsplit.
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--- Quote ---CS dont have leaders. only pvp leaders.

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--- Quote from: Tomowolf on November 28, 2011, 06:19:28 pm ---so you could use your mouth to eat shit before posting.

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You earned a Epic Quote.


--- Quote from: T-888 ---Those who are in CBT , i strongly suggest to stop reporting any new bugs , especially if they are minor. Since i , we don't know if they plan to fix everything before they launch wipe or at least wipe-madness , more minor bugs to fix equals more time spent till actual wipe that would be inefficient if they actually would launch , wipe the server only when everything is fixed.

What i suggest is for developers fix only the major/semi-major bugs that have the most impact on gameplay and leave the rest in few updates periodically after wipe that could come with balance fixes if there would be any balance issues.
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My only comment is: "haha o kurvva". Sorry

Think about it , it's a good suggestion since developers can't handle the existing amount of bugs anyway :)


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