Edit: The aim of this suggestion is not to nerf avenger or buff lsw, but to bring more diversity to the fonline world concerning the weapon usage. /edit
I'm sure it has been done before and I searchbar'd for a bit but didn't find the same thing.
Ok, we all know the Avenger does more damage than the LSW. Against BA it does 20% more damage and against tank builds, the difference is even greater while AP and bursts per mag are the same.
Looking at the ammo each gun uses and the weapons itself, one thing comes to mind: Accuracy.
If .223 ammo has a bigger negative AC modifier and 5mm AP ammo gets a big positive modifier, than the result would be that LSW does more damage on maxrange while the Avenger is the best weapon on mid range.
Depending on the actual numbers, it could render the Avenger to lose it's edge at a distance of around 20 Hex. This would open up new opportunities for other small-to-mid range guns such as P90 and the shotguns, shifting the balance towards the small guns.
In fact, this simple change could establish a third class of weapons besides the usual BG'ers and Snipers: The mid range, giving use to SMG's, Shotguns and Assault rifles during TC and also giving weaker gangs the opportunity to organize useful PvP gear.
These changes would only really affect the use of Avengers during TC. The Assault rifles, that also use 5mm AP have the long range perk to weigh out the AC modifier. As you usually use 5mm JHP during hunts and the range doesn't matter that much, it wouldn't affect PvE at all.
If people spent more points on BG to negate the AC modifier, they would suffer from low FA and DOC, giving them another weak point.
In order to get the maximum amount of damage out of a squad, it would be necessary to use different tactics for LSW and Avenger, rendering "Tactics" and "Skill" more important than just "Gear"
To summarize it, applying an AC modifier to 5mm AP ammo (or altering the accuracy through perks or engine-changes) would split the 35-Hex-BG / 50-Hex-Sniper setup into 20-Hex-SG-Mini / 35-Hex-BG-LSW-RL / 50-Hex-Sniper
Any form of criticism is greatly appreciated