Other > Closed suggestions

music player in pip boy

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I think music in pip poy is great idea!

What's wrong with you? Demanding a totally useless feature, as if devs would have nothing else to work on, because it's too hard to alt-tab to change your stupid songs?
And as has been pointed out, Winamp5 allows to define global keys, which would be easier then having to open the pip-boy.

But then again, the last time I updated my Winamp was in 2002... I just don't need to install all this features for handicapped.


--- Quote from: Archvile on January 23, 2010, 11:16:35 am ---What's wrong with you? Demanding a totally useless feature, as if devs would have nothing else to work on, because it's too hard to alt-tab to change your stupid songs?
And as has been pointed out, Winamp5 allows to define global keys, which would be easier then having to open the pip-boy.

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sorry but he got a point devs have more important things now to deal with like bugs that are pain in ass. I not doubt they will add somthing like that in future but things like this have alweys low priority. I also use winamp with hot keys and that work fine  :P


--- Quote from: Archvile on January 23, 2010, 11:16:35 am ---What's wrong with you? Demanding a totally useless feature, as if devs would have nothing else to work on, because it's too hard to alt-tab to change your stupid songs?

--- End quote ---

hey what`s wrong with YOU, you shouldn`t take that "psycho" before posting
i didn`t demand anything?? just asked a question if possible, don`t get so furious dude

besides I don`t want to use winamp I want to use in-game music
I never said it has to be now, i would appreciate it in the future of course

There's nothing furious or angry or in my response. There's just some surprise.

An angry response would look like this:
"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

A furious one would look like this:

You're right, "requesting" would be a better word than "demanding". What I had in mind is just that you declare a need for something. Something that has next to nothing chance to be ever implemented.

All you need is a player with global keys function. You can use Winamp to play in-game music as well. If version 5 doesn't support .acm files by default, there is a plugin. Or you can just downlowad mp3's. But you absolutely don't need the in-game interface for this.


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