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Вы знаете что 2238 гoвно?
--- Quote from: Abaddon Raptus on December 09, 2010, 11:20:42 am ---I think some marauders will agree with this idea and try to help u) But... first step is a radio channel or place to meet/talk with everybody who wanna take part of this event hehe)
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Help me or help you self by stealing form my and others bases? I never ask for help, I ask for understanding wasteland game.
By the way the other side is growing in strength while we talk: http://orphans.forum-actif.net/public-part-f44/redding-project-main-lines-t825.htm
They start war against whole server and whole server doesn't give a fuck)
Abaddon Raptus:
fucking lolodins
pm me your skype ~ we meet and discus there.
Marko Okram, go on, create some powahful gang to let us fight somebody! No, seriously.
--- Quote from: Graf on December 09, 2010, 12:13:51 pm ---Marko Okram, go on, create some powahful gang to let us fight somebody! No, seriously.
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I don't understand you.
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