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Author Topic: Introduce mines + C4  (Read 1761 times)


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Introduce mines + C4
« on: December 04, 2010, 12:12:04 am »

 I think that PvP would be enriched by new possible classes and demoexpert is good way where to start (because this class already exist in the game but need to improve). On TLA server, there are mines and remote controled explosives and it works!

 1) Intention.

 Possibiliy to make PvP more funny, enriched by new mechanism that should add more tactic.

 2) Principles

 a) guarded cities have to be mines + remote explosives free zones without any exceptions

 b) active role of demoexpert is demanded (no activate mine and leave), to prevent dual/fast loggers (like they are doing now with supermutants)

 c) demoexpert should be operational at high levels only, fully operational at level 21 only to avoid abusing at low levels

 d) there should always exist measures how prevent/disable demo attacks

 3) Suggestions

 a) C4 (remote controled plastic explosive)

 * maximum number of armed explosives per one demoexpert (4?)
 * only demoexpert that armed explosives should be able to activate them
 * he must stay in the locations where they are planted, if he left them on world map without disabling them, he will temporary lost ability to arm new ones (for real days) .. but there should exist little time exception (1 leave from world map per 10 minutes for one minute).
 * leaving armed explosives automaticaly disamrs them and everyone should be possible to take them without any danger of accidentaly explosion
 * demoexpert should be able to activate them only if explosives are in his FOV.. the range is determined by level of demoexpert ( lvl 10 means from 10 hexes, lvl 21 means 21 hexes range) to avoid low level multi log abusing
  * types:
              high damage (possibility of instakill) - very limited aerial effect, de facto one hex kill, 6 adjacent hexes dmg are reduced by 3
              cripling - very low damage, but big possibility of cripling at wide area (3 hexes around hex where is c4 planted)

  * countermeasures:
             disarming by enemy demoexpert
             jammer - that jam the area for limited time, reload time of next jamm is dozens of seconds, possibility to jam from world map at specific entraces only(but if you do this, enemy will know you are ready to jump in the city). In the city there should be same distance mechanism to jam like if you want to activate explosives (distance determined by lvl of char)

 If you disarm c4, you should be able to use it as it is your explosive, but there should still be limited number of maximum explosives you are able to plant at one time.

 b) mines
* very same restrictions like C4, same types, only different mechanism of planting, activating (no remote control)

* same types (hurting or cripling)

 * countermeasures: disarming, dogs like suicide npcs

 Important (to avoid dual log abusing): if enemy demoexpert disarm your mine/c4, you loose (temporary) ability to plant it and de facto your max number of planted explosives is reduced by disarmed ones (temporary - per days), so you have to fully focus on this char.. But also i know, that you can hide your second alt in the group of your teamates, but still, it is better solution than current supermutant world map artillery abusing.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2010, 12:24:26 am by Lordus »
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: Introduce mines + C4
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2010, 12:23:04 am »

I like the idea, but imo to make really playable demoexpert class we need more type's of weapon's/explosive's, also for players with lower lvl's.
For example possiblity to make easy trap from Fraggrenade (ofc there should be Traps skill req.), u use grenade on some useable object (like doors, workbench, chest) and when anyone try to use it -> puff ;]


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Re: Introduce mines + C4
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2010, 12:28:21 am »

I like the idea, but imo to make really playable demoexpert class we need more type's of weapon's/explosive's, also for players with lower lvl's.
For example possiblity to make easy trap from Fraggrenade (ofc there should be Traps skill req.), u use grenade on some useable object (like doors, workbench, chest) and when anyone try to use it -> puff ;]

 ok, this could be possibility too (i am so deformed by lvl 21 only chars playability :) ), but there should not exist something like low level abusing, so maybe only 1 explosive armed per level until 10, .... Also, i dont like any instakill traps, rather than this, cripling or knock outing
So long and THANKS for all the fish!


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Re: Introduce mines + C4
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2010, 03:58:42 pm »

I think we will see mines and c4 back ... probably after the next wipe.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.


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Re: Introduce mines + C4
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2010, 03:59:39 pm »

I think we will see mines and c4 back ... probably after the next wipe.

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Re: Introduce mines + C4
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2010, 07:48:43 pm »

the mines shoud have raised plate look(like in F2)and placeble and disarmeble whit the traps skill(higher=lesser chance t obe spoten/lesser chance to be disarmed)


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Re: Introduce mines + C4
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2010, 10:21:08 pm »

I think we will see mines and c4 back ... probably after the next wipe.

Wait... what? Wow...

Now I just can't wait :D
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