Other > Gang Issues
The Fallout:2238 War
yes we definitely need more pk vs antik PHHWWAAAOORRR!!
they're already at war, this post is sorta unnecessary.
About what war you talking ?
AntiPKs just killing people who killing others for fun, stuff or another reasons + AntiPKs dont shoot on sight.
Only mindless people dont know difference beetwen that and PKs who just dont know another play style than shoot everyone to eyes on first meet.
--- Quote from: Hololasima on December 05, 2010, 12:34:13 am ---About what war you talking ?
AntiPKs just killing people who killing others for fun, stuff or another reasons + AntiPKs dont shoot on sight.
Only mindless people dont know difference beetwen that and PKs who just dont know another play style than shoot everyone to eyes on first meet.
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Which is war technically, someone is against someone else's ideals so they specifically kill them because of it (Antipk)
Pk kill for a living and although without them anti pk would have nothing to do which is like exterminating them then (Peacetime) eventually someone else will rise to the occassion for antipks to point their guns at or antipk will turn pk then someone else will become antipk and the cycle goes on.
real world technically speaking.
--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on December 05, 2010, 12:58:02 am ---Which is war technically, someone is against someone else's ideals so they specifically kill them because of it (Antipk)
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No. the PKs hve no such ideals. PKs are mostly parasites, because they dont care if the other person wants to fight or not. They not only make a living on killing other, by doing that they spoil the fun for lot of others.
Truth is that antipks needs pks, because otherwise they would have nothing to do, because lot of em love pvp. There is the TC, but thats not for everybody. But that doesnt make them equal to pks. If they are realy antipk, they wont kill the guys that are innocent.
Would you say that the cops, even those that apointed themselves, are in war with criminals?
And besides, the real war is TC, where are three sides of conflict.
--- Quote from: Bantz on December 05, 2010, 02:29:51 pm ---
Would you say that the cops, even those that apointed themselves, are in war with criminals?
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"A confict of interest " 'll be more precise in this case. Anyway there must be somebody on the secon side of the fence, from thieves, by single robbers till well organized gangs with power to take control over whole cities.
Some of them are more pollute, some of them less.
Anyway cops[ it seems to like u consider yourself like one of them, Bantz] should stop drinking coffe & eating doughnuts and get to work - to wipe out the whole scum spreaded along wasteland for goodness of all.
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