Other > Faction Announcements

SG LVL3 Crafter/Crit Sniper (2 chars) Looking for a faction.


Hi there everyone.

After I finally got my gunsmith (small guns) level 3 training, and played a while (all this time playing alone)
I realized that the game became more harsh and boring.
It's like I have met some "invisible wall" that stopped the progress of my in-game character, and I wish for it to change.

Therefore, I'm looking for a faction.

I can speak quite fluent (and mostly proper) english
and polish (my native - now all the ruskies gonna hunt me cause of my nationality ? : P )

I sometimes use mIRC, and am willing to use other means of communication, no problem with that
(teamspeak, ventrilo, whatever, just keep in mind that I don't have a mic,
but I don't need one since I'm willing to RECEIVE orders, rather then give 'em, right ?).

My crafter character is LVL16, no good for fightin' though (at least not against builds that are primarily "combat" aimed)
but he has quite decent outdoors, and I'm more than willing to mine HQ mats, and craft SGLVL3 stuff, this char can at least be of such use in a group.

My 2nd character (the one I intend to play the most with, if I'll join a faction)
Is a high crit-chance build - sniper, more details for the interested ; p

Sent you a pm.


I will take time to consider (even though its quite a lucratious offer).
I'm just not too hasty with making decisions ; p


That is the smart thing to do, take your time:)


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