Other > Junktown


<< < (24/27) > >>

I think it wasnt that huge problem in the beginning, and some chars of him are already banned.
So lets give the GMs sometime to have their holidays and recover from christmas, and im sure after that mabus will be cured ;)

so wait... mabus claims to be not a pk but camped geckos mine to kill anyone who enter? wow this must be a higher logic i will never understand  ???

-=WARNING=- GECKO mine now defended by 228 ANTI PK (kill all not WHITE list)  8)
Yes i kill all, because i have not only Black list. I have White list, And only hwo in white list can in mine.
For invite write in my ICQ 499458.
In icq u must pass NONE PK test.  :P

your joking.... ???

For those interested in chatting with Mabus remember that he will try to send you keyloggers


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