Of couse it can't be a bug, it's just real life luck!
I often miss 3 times in a row with 95% to hit, then hitting, then again missing 2 times.
I often score critical 5 times in a row with 1 LK and 1% critical.
In pre-pre-wipe I have been killed by brahmin in metal armor, because of (big number) knockouts in a row, brahmin once hit me, knocked out, and then repeated it until I die, it was like 2 minutes I was laying on ground in perma knock outs watching brahmin hitting me again and again, every hit was critical and every second hit knocked me out.
I can die from instakills 3 times in a row with 1st shots in the head.
When I was hunting molerats, once my pistol droped, it was on ground like 1 second. In like 10 minutes server crashed and when it was rollback, the rollback was in that moment when my pistol was laying on ground, so I logged in without weapon.
If I find special encounter, it means there will be a server crash in few minutes.
Here in your post I simply see 3 criticals in a row, even aimed... nothing wrong here. Especially it was aimed shots, so it's ok that it was criticals.