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Author Topic: New quest for make some caps  (Read 3541 times)

Re: New quest for make some caps
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2010, 09:50:27 am »

Read this  That you said. End of the line.
It says that player can make XXXXX alts then earn by "bringing his cash" but not to him but to his pocket ;)

I mean that someone (or gang) can easy get the Cave by doing something like this (30 characters - so 10 characters each 1 people in gang and they have cash for cave) sorry but this idea is not good.

If you think that's worth exploiting you have no idea how to make money in this game. That's extremely tedious, time consuming and inefficient. Hell there's already a repeatable quest in modoc that gives 120 if you reach vc, you don't see armies of alts doing that.
Re: New quest for make some caps
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2010, 09:06:20 am »

If you think that's worth exploiting you have no idea how to make money in this game. That's extremely tedious, time consuming and inefficient. Hell there's already a repeatable quest in modoc that gives 120 if you reach vc, you don't see armies of alts doing that.

Yes you're right. Better if you craft/loot item than making alts.

Tom Metzger

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Re: New quest for make some caps
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2010, 11:04:36 am »

I think we need more quest for making caps (in Hub packs, in San Francisco kills ants etc). I thinking about:

1. Mordino quest - you can take quest from Big Jesus in New Reno. He says you must go "location" and kill some of fucking gangsters. Gangsters should have tommy the guns, desert eagles etc. If you kill they go back to Mordino and get your caps. Caps: 1000 caps + weapons from gangsters. Cooldown for quest: 3 hours real time.

2. Salvatore quest - you can take quest from one of Salvatore man in Reno. He gives you suitcase and you must give it enclave soldier in Navarro. If you enter to world map you automatic directions to the encounter with Mordino guys. You must kill they. If you finish it you go to Navarro and cme back to New Reno and get your caps. Caps: 1000 caps + weapons from Mordino. Cooldown for quest 3 hours.

3. Hub criminals quest - you can take quest for criminals in Hub (Hub bar or other). You must go to location and steal some beers and rot gun in factory. In factory are some radscorpions (10-20). Caps: 700. Cooldown: 1,5 hour.

4. NCR rangers quest - you must be ranger. Rangers tell you location to raiders campsite. You must go there and kill all raiders. There're 6-12 raiders with 100hp-150hp and shotguns, caws, assault rifles. Caps: 900 + weapons + reputation. Cooldown 3 hours.

5. Slaver job - you must be slaver. Go to Metzger in Den and ask for work. He give you map with correct location. Go there. There're a village (tribals/farmers etc) and there're some slavers from Metzger. They need help with catch people (5-10). If you catch all go back to Metzger. Caps: 300 + number of catchet people (1 human-100 caps). Cooldown: 2 hours.

6. Catch my brahmins! - you go to Hub and ask farmer about brahmins. He give you 3-10 ropes and you must go to location. Use ropes on brahmins and catch. Back to farmer for rewards. Caps: 200. Cooldown: 1 hour.

7. Repair computers - you must be enclave soldier. Go to Navarro and ask technic about computers. He says you must repair some computers in base. You should have 100% science and 100% repair but you can't repair if have small repair. Better is ~150% repair (if you have 180% repair and tool you always repair). Caps: 500 caps. Cooldown: 1,5 hours.

8. We need water! - you can take quest in Necropolis. Ghouls says he need water. He gives you 4-6 water bags and tell you location. Location is near Glow. In locations should be 2 buildings (in one is pump with water) but doors are blocked. You must enter second building and go underground. In underground you meet some rats and one molerat. You kill then and climbing to first building. Take water and go back to Necropolis. Caps: 150 + 2 buffouts. Cooldown: 1,5 hours.

9. MY MONEY! - this is last quest from me suggest at the moment. You need higher charisma than 7 to take the quest. Go to New Reno Bishop Casino. Ask one guy about machine games. He told you location (his house) near New Reno and igive key. Go there and bring him 100 caps from his house. Back to New Reno and give him caps. He will win in machine game and get 1000-5000 caps. He will give you some caps for help him.
lIf he win 1000 caps you get:
- charisma 7 - 250 caps
- charisma 8 - 350 caps
- charisma 9 - 450 caps

If he win 2000 caps
- charisma 7 - 500
- charisma 8 - 650
- charisma 9 - 850

If he win 4000 caps you get:
- charisma 7 - 750
- charisma 8 - 850
- charisma 9 - 1100

If he win 5000 caps you get:
- charisma 7 - 800
- charisma 8 - 1000
- charisma 9 - 2000

Extra bonus: if you have high charisma (9) and high speech (higher than 100%) man give you 500 caps bonus.
Cooldown: 24 hours.

Comment and rate. :)

New quests.
1. Computers – you go to San Francisco. One technic need some electronic parts to make/upgrade a computers. Bring him 10 electronict parts and back. (A)
He says he need help with upgrade computers. You must repair and use science on computers to help him. (B)
A – if you don’t have high science and repair you can’t help him.
B – if you have science and repair ~100% you try to help him but you don’t always repair/upgrade computer.
Caps:  150 for bring electronic parts + reputation (A) or 150 caps + reputation + 50 caps per computer (computers should be 3-6)
Cooldown: 2 hours

2. Pack food – you go to Boneyard (Adutymn) to take the quest. One citizen give you pack and tell you must give it for his/her family (location on World Map, near Adytumn). In location you see small house. Before house stays some bad guys (3 leather jackets) and want kill family. Lets start:
A – you can kill they
B – if you have high speech (+100) you can tell they should go out
C – you can pay they some caps and they will go out (you need caps ~300)
D – you can kill family and take with raiders items in house (30 meat jerky, 4 nuka cola, 1 pipe rifle with 5 ammo) + reputation of raiders but – reputation from other

If you done:
A – weapons from raiders, reputation Boneyard + 60 caps + 2 superstimpacks + 300 exp
B – reputation Boneyard + 60 caps + 2 superstimpacks + 900 exp
C – reputation Boneyard + 60 caps + 2 superstimpacks + 600 exp
D – reputation Raiders + items
Cooldown: 4 hours
3. Silence die – you must go to NCR in bar. In bar you must talk with guy who tell you something but he need help. You buy him one beer (5 caps). He says he need person who kills someone a quiet death. He give you poison hypo and show location. To take this quest you must have higher sneak than 150%. Go to location (you see small campsite). There are some ragers. One of tent is old person with documents. You must sneaking to his tent, use poison hypo on he and get the documents. Becareful rangers musn’t see you. Back to NCR and get your rewards.
Caps: 1000 + 600 exp + reputation Raiders
Cooldown: 4 hours

4.   Miner’s life – go to Junktown mine and talk with guy about mining. He says he need help with old mine in cave near Junktown. Go to location and go to cave. Kill all rats (30-40) and other and go back to guy in Junktown mine.
Caps: 500
Cooldown: 2,5 hours

  This is wut i meant to say in my last post... Brilliant my friend
Re: New quest for make some caps
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2010, 08:35:02 pm »

Yes, it's very nice. Developers should add these quests from your topic because it's very Falloutish and great. I'm going to read some quest at the weekend if I have free time. Very nice job Jimmy BoyX :)
Fallout New Vegas jest wspaniałe...

Dzięki temu... oraz firmie Obsidian ;)
Re: New quest for make some caps
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2010, 08:40:19 am »

Some of these sound pretty cool.
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Re: New quest for make some caps
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2010, 08:57:17 am »

quest 5 is allready implemented, and if you do your job right you get 4000 caps

and nive quest,i got an ideea for some other slaver quests,like killing rangers that are near Den for slaver rep(to gain slaver rep is the moast hard thing you must do for slave run quest)
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