Other > Closed suggestions
Item wipe + bank interests removed when TC bug is fixed
We all know the problem right now about the Town Control, that is bugged and makes the cities belonging forever to their own teams.
There is another problem, which is the bank interest - a system that multiplicates your caps every now and then, the bigger caps you have, the bigger you'll get - pretty cool... For biggest gangs.
So right now, factions that own a town (Rogues, VSB, Chosen Soldiers) are earning hundreds of thousands of caps without taking any risk (though I'm not blaming them, none of them provoked the bug) and they can put this money in banks, etc; which means the game economy is... Torn apart?
It's not a secret that all of these big gangs are having limitless amount of combat armors and caps. Damn bank interests and town control rewards!
Anyway, it just smashes the whole game. Player-driven traders? What is the interest, when the biggest gangs can buy everything you sell at any price? Fights? No interest at all when your opponent as unlimited stuff.
Right now small gangs in PvP are taking a risk, others don't. Enough said. That's why I suggest (I SUGGEST lads, I'm not announcing anything, though it won't prevent flame :) ) an item wipe (That wipes everything except characters, or something like that. It already happened in the past.).
--- Quote from: maszrum on November 14, 2010, 07:06:19 pm ---you guys still dont get something.. :D
we made few milions of caps afer 2weeks of playing after wipe and to be honest we really dont need more. becouse we mulitply this money many of times
--- End quote ---
--- Quote from: maszrum on November 14, 2010, 12:49:27 pm ---"Ok so infinite amount of caps for Rogues"
we already reached that level some times ago..
--- End quote ---
And not only them.
For the sake of this session that will soon be as interesting as a god mode for part of the server - item wipe and removal of bank interests rates!
Not only gangs play this game, remember? Make all loners/people playing with 2 or 3 friends/smaller gangs suffer cos of gangs? Ridiculous. Bugs happens, you should know that very well...
When the economy is torn apart, everyone is affected, even loners. I'm not playing in a big gang, so I don't care myself about the huge battles. But the fact that there are a lot of caps everywhere makes fights unfair, crafting useless and trades worthless. This affects everyone.
Lets do it like in Czechoslovakia in early 60ties..
Make money reform. Replace current Caps money with Fallout 2 money (i dont know how they were named).
Only money at bank accounts will be replaced. Only ammount to 10k will be replaced in ratio 1:1, from 10k to 50k in ratio 1:10, from 50k to 100k 1:25. More money will not be replaced.
Dont forget big gangs will be prepared for this and they will create many bank accounts.
And Also, disable money income from TC (drugs and resources are enough). Better cities (BH, Red, Den) should generate resources (hq ores, uranium ores, meat jerky, chem comp,..) that could be crafted to more valuable items. ยจ
If your money reform should be succesfull, you have to:
1) hold it in secret. Even day before tell to everyone that there will not be any reform
2) temporary disable possibilitiy of creating of new accounts in bank
3) temporary disable refilling of new items in NPC traders merchants
I know that this is problem to implement, but if you implement this changes into next era, that you could make this by one simple update, it will make longer life of each era gameplay
If the item wipe should be done, the idea of money reform is awsome.
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