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Author Topic: im f**ing tired of bein killed stupidly in random encounters...  (Read 2296 times)

im f**ing tired of bein killed stupidly in random encounters...
« on: November 16, 2010, 01:31:03 am »

any suggestion to avoid this?

I always ran away, but has happend to me that I reach the edge of the screen, and I dont exit the locatioin (then being killed)

im really tired of being killed and loose all my stuff


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Re: im f**ing tired of bein killed stupidly in random encounters...
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2010, 01:37:27 am »

Switch to TB and you won't have to wait for Combat Timeout.
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!


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Re: im f**ing tired of bein killed stupidly in random encounters...
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2010, 08:36:10 am »

Switch to TB and you won't have to wait for Combat Timeout.
But, if AI bugged you need wait forever.
Re: im f**ing tired of bein killed stupidly in random encounters...
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2010, 09:21:57 am »

If you feel like the ai is bugged in TB simply quit  game and re-enter and it usually fixes itself.


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Re: im f**ing tired of bein killed stupidly in random encounters...
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2010, 09:25:22 am »

AI is never bugged in TB. If you see a NPC that should play but doesn't do anything, it's because the character actually playing is out of your sight

any suggestion to avoid this?

I always ran away, but has happend to me that I reach the edge of the screen, and I dont exit the locatioin (then being killed)

im really tired of being killed and loose all my stuff
Shift+click to run and good perception should save you, but as others said switch to TB and with the appropriate build you won be into troubles anymore (With x2 Bonus Move and x2 Action Boy you'll be able to move 16 hex per turn).
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- J.E. Sawyer
Re: im f**ing tired of bein killed stupidly in random encounters...
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2010, 10:29:12 am »

Strange ...

i have never played a char that had less then 6 perception but i kinda NEVER EVER die in random encounters with Npcs. Ok there are of course some really harsh encounters where i were lucky. (and that one time were some fisherman killed me while i was riding in my car, but ill say thats murphies law)

But if u click fast at beginning of encounter you kinda make half the way to the exit before the enemies even move or battle starts in TB.

Well there is one thing that is important for low level chars i think. Play TB ! Its really impossible to die there and like i said u almost have 1-2 sec at the beginning where u can run away in RT before battle even starts.


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Re: im f**ing tired of bein killed stupidly in random encounters...
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2010, 10:33:28 am »

I never die in encounter if i don't spawn with player PK encounter, so i don't understand how so many players still die and why... furthermore encounters are easier to leave than before ....

TB is not necessary, just run and you can exit from every encounter <= true story


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Re: im f**ing tired of bein killed stupidly in random encounters...
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2010, 10:56:45 am »

Don't belive them. You can't run away from every encounter. If you spawn next to an ant that will chase you and that 5 men Hub patrol will want to burst at the ant... no amount of running will help.
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Re: im f**ing tired of bein killed stupidly in random encounters...
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2010, 11:29:05 am »

Sure sometimes you will spawn in a hard encounter, just stay in a easy PNJ zone for your first lvl (klamath, den, reeding most of the PNJ are creatures), but i am still persuaded you can get out every encounter without big problems (the harsher to exit are goul crazie because of hunting.... and if you are with a patrol killing ab other group of PNJ don't stay in the burst zone).
Furthermore if u got a PNJ on you and if there is an other group fighting these PNJ just shot one time at them they will take an other target, nothing is more easy than get out an encounter... for turn based the only thing you will get is to be traped in your own turn based with pk and less chance to get out.

It's just my opinion but TB must be deleted, it's just used for traps and don't learn you how to fight in real time (and pvp is for sure in RT)
Re: im f**ing tired of bein killed stupidly in random encounters...
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2010, 11:33:48 am »

@ wezu

Ok, u r right. There are really unlucky things that can happen to you and that will get u killed. Especially in random city encounters there r a few maps that really doom you.
But i think there are a few steps thatll help you not getting killed (most o f the time)

-When you enter the random encounter you have to be fast. Most of the time i belive the nearest exit is in your back. So you need to run as soon as you can with shift click to the nearest exit (in your back)

-If you carry expensive stuff i would prefer TB mode over RT mode because its very easy to exit encounters in TB mode

-if you encounter other players try to block their line of sight by moving behind objects. Trees saved my virtual ass more than one time in this game.

-If you go on a good decent hunt alone. I would recommend you stay away from cities. Most PKs really looking for trouble stay within 1-2 hexes near a city.

-Tents are magic. Especially at lower levels u should try to travel as light as possible. Most of the time I didnt carry a armor at all or at best a leather jacket before i reached lvl 12.

-and last but not least. If someone spawns near you and you have the chance to open fire before he does. DO IT !
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