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It doesnt matter who you had in inventory or where you was. They killing for fun anyway  8)


--- Quote from: Hololasima on December 09, 2010, 11:13:13 am ---It doesnt matter who you had in inventory or where you was. They killing for fun anyway  8)

--- End quote ---

I think it is not fun for anyone when they kill inside a protected city like Vault 8, it is indeed stupid because they will get killed too, like in my situation.

Otherwise it can be fun, maybe, for whom like to kill unarmed characters, but is dishonorable, I mean, if they encounter someone with a more powerful armor and/or gun, or if they get shoted first, then it is not fun at all for them.

Red Commisar
Near of Boneyard Fortress.
First he shoot me down for -16HP then he healed me and i said him shooter... and he killed me.

Also killed me earlier in near Boneyard.

Im already kill Invisible next SF. All time i say, im a Atpk, but nobody trust me. ???

pk I've been a victim. (NCR)

Yaz Kaze (3 times!!)



Wizarrd (with Human Dog and The Toecutter?)


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