Other > Gang Issues

List of pks

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TTTLA's list of PK's to shoot on sight:

"everyone who isnt us"

see how good they are at being APK!

rofl. kids will be kids i guess

Smartass or mindless person ... ?

Here is your list of people who do or did PK. :)


--- Quote from: Surf Solar on November 18, 2010, 06:54:40 pm ---Here is your list of people who do or did PK. :)

--- End quote ---

 Ha, only 18 new posts and i will reach LagMasters position in the chart. BTW, what is the first prize?


--- Quote from: zato1 on November 18, 2010, 06:09:12 pm ---TTTLA's list of PK's to shoot on sight:

"everyone who isnt us"

see how good they are at being APK!

rofl. kids will be kids i guess

--- End quote ---

Not our fault if the majority of the players on this server have an "outlaw" behaviour.
Somebody who respect our "laws" (mean to don't shoot the other players free) will not be in our list.
Each person in this list are for us Outlaws, they shot one of our guys or were very bad boys/girls.

For a new player, this list can show him all the person who could kill him if he comes in a Town with stuff. Or worst.

And remember that is OUR list, so don't debate on it.
If somebody have problems with this list, contact our agency.


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