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Who Killed Bambi:
28 days late - nickname
killing all that move in entrance to ncr
stop that please :)
1 die - funny
2 die - funny
3 die - not borring
4 die - borring

Who Killed Bambi:
also he is idolized...

I just liked collect stuff/money with my 2 mercs, but guy named Morbid killed me 1tile up from Redding.


--- Quote from: runboy93 on December 31, 2010, 09:36:36 am ---I just liked collect stuff/money with my 2 mercs, but guy named Morbid killed me 1tile up from Redding.

--- End quote ---
Morbid has been bothering redding i've killed him twice already he has a grudge against redding i swear.

Who Killed Bambi:


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