Other > Gang Issues

TC bugged - > Jackpot

<< < (10/12) > >>

I truly love to see this flame war and if I have understand this is the right subforum for flame war (gang issues : A place to get mad )

By the way I hope the bug will be fixed soon

And now give to us again some fire and flames, please  8)

You guys should write a story about me


Get some!

I forget on this topic. So whats going here? I have to repeat, that i am still banned on IRC, so i cant reasonably answer to Polaks verbal attacks, so please, give me a chance to be banned again.

 And crazy, i am supporting you.


 nevermind the trolling and the double-logging: Devs, this bug is killing the game. Rogues have nearly infinite money -> Rogues can spend day at Hinkley working on their PvP and buy neverending mutant squads to help them -> Rogues are way + difficult, if at all possible, to defeat -> TC becomes pointless and even small PvP is in trouble -> everyone loses interest, even Rogues (which is both logical and i ve heard say).
 does anyone doubt that this is the most urgent thing to take care of in this game at the moment? Devs, can u tell me if u r working on it?

It has been fixed.

Bad to hear that.


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