Other > Closed suggestions

Boomerang Rippers

<< < (2/3) > >>

It should be dynamite-launching-crossbow-boomerang.

Now really, before adding new weapons, two thing that are planned should be worked on, because they will change pvp: Autorun after targeting and preset aim. After that, we can talk about balancing and adding weapons, but before it, it would be mostly wasted time. 

What about C-4 Dyno-rang! The material is flexible so it wouldnt be hard to form it, just seal it in some wooden case, polish, varnish and voila!

Flying spaghetti monster?

Personally i prefer the Harpoon Gun from Tactic.

Go to hell. My tent modified into Death Star (Needed only 1000000HQ metal parts) will kill ya all! Ahahaha (evil laugh)!


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