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Author Topic: Just wanted to introduce myself and ask a couple questions.  (Read 2023 times)

Just wanted to introduce myself and ask a couple questions.
« on: January 20, 2010, 01:38:19 am »

My names Bill, Fallout 1 and 2 were the 1st rpg's I played and those memories stuck with me ever since. I found FO randomly while browsing. I love the concept of making it a mmo that stays true to the theme of the 1st games and I really hope this catches on with more players. I'm seriously frustrated with the lack of starting quests and options. Instead of trooling the forum just yet.. I thought I'd bring up a couple questions/comments for the players who have been here longer. Is there any sort of starting area/quests I should be aware of? Also, what personally works best for you guys for advancing? I was wanting to grind xp but I have no idea where since a lot of the main quests aren't there. Don't get me wrong... I do believe this is truly badass but It seems more PVP oriented than anything.. So I'm kind of hoping more quests and maybe some minor restrictions will be added to keep me/others from being killed by 12 year olds with a god complex. I've meet some of you already in game under a different ign and the majority of you seem cool as hell. Does anyone know what the programmers plans are going to be in that area? Any info or links you all want to share would be greatly thanked. So that's all I pretty much wanted to say. Enjoy FO, have a good one.
Re: Just wanted to introduce myself and ask a couple questions.
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2010, 06:11:27 am »

Got some views but no responses. I'll reword myself without the introduction. x) What's a good place/method to grind xp, gear or money? Any one of those 3 is useful info to me. Also, where do I open a bank account? I've browsed forums but only finding a little here and there. I'm restarting my char so I'll be level 1, I understand the basics of the new professions and Pseudo-professions now so I'm gonna have to redo my tag skills... Again... I want to thank the guys who brought Fallout 1 & 2 back from the grave. You guys/gals have done a bad ass job mod'ing it so far. I'm actually happier now than I was when I heard Bethesda bought the rights to a Fallout 3 some odd years ago.

                                                                                                                              - Thank you. \m/ (>_< \m/


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Re: Just wanted to introduce myself and ask a couple questions.
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2010, 08:20:12 am »

Hello. :)

It was just a bit too late in night when (atleast in european time :p ) so I think that's why nobody responded. ;)
Basically, what you are playing now is a beta version of the game, open for other players to test, to play etc.
That's why there aren't that much quests implemented yet, the devs have to implement and work around the basic stuff, f.e. the economy, the crafting system, the combat system etc. before inserting "serious" stuff like huge quests etc.
That's all done in their freetime, and I have to say that a lot already happened (very few new features etc) since I play the beta (last year august) - so yes, you're right, they did an awesome job. :)

Currently the game is very much pvp oriented (I hope it will change a bit in the future), the towns in the north of the worldmap (Klamath, Redding, Den, Modoc etc) became warzones where gangfights happen all the time. So no good place for newbies, or people who dont like pvp. For starters, I recommend reading that . Best place where you mostly are safe is the NCR (also the most crowded city), go to the brahmin pens, talk to the herdsmen and shovel some brahmin crap for him. For each piece of shit you get 10 xp and a few caps. When you reach 100 caps, go to the inner city in the NCR and open a bank account where you could store your caps..
Then the best you can do is wander around on the worldmap a bit and try to find some brahmin. Try to kill them, and loot them. When you have 10 brahmin hides, you can build your own tent, to store things etc. There is no "best way" to xp, for me a mix of crafting, "PvE" and healing is a good way of getting xp, but everyone has his own way.

Try to read the wiki carefully, there are a lot of informations there. But you can also ask here for further questions, I understand that it's a bit hard for beginners.
Re: Just wanted to introduce myself and ask a couple questions.
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2010, 09:04:23 am »

yea its harsh world if you dont like pvp give up for now...

if you want to play here is the way:

Go to NCR - most people there and maybe you can find someone that will simply give you gun...
shovel shit for 10x (can be quite hard as planty of people there ...) turn it in for 100 and open accoun in bank

And now its time to earn some real money - you will want to do it by trading with players probably. - Crafting (check manual what you wanna do..)
-if you tagged science then you can make metal parts 200caps/ea (need 40 science) - get some hammer either by picking fint -> primitive tool -> wood +junk -> sledgehammer or trading its realy chap stuff .
- i think no other skill will let you earn some bigger money at lv 1 - first aid you need 60 or so for picking flowers and for fruits fibers you need 40 outdoorsman (you can have 40 outdoor at 1lv if you tagged it)

easy lv 2- Stables just north of New Reno - you need a shovel first , there is no guy that will pay you for your work (at least i didnt see any) but if none cleared it you will have planty of shit to clear so you can hit lv 2 in no time.

if you are not small gunner then do this quest (you need 3 charisma not 4 like said there) you will get gun ammo and SG bonus good enough to let you use it for starting levels

Now either buy with your newly earned cash or get by kills (west of NCR most likely 2w1N) 10 brahmin hides and set up your tent by using science on them in desert.

And now some survival tips - never have cash on you unless for reason.
Check out who is following you when leving city (list on the left when on world map - some will try to get to your tent by following you)
never held valuable items on you if you dont need to , dont carry multiple guns / alot of ammo at once - keep beckup in your tent)
Remember even safe cities arnt 100% safe - someone can steal from you or blow you up...

Re: Just wanted to introduce myself and ask a couple questions.
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2010, 12:28:53 am »

Thank you both for the good, detailed info. It helps a lot. :) My problem now is figuring out how to run FO on Windows 7, 64 bit before I get my computer tomorrow. :X
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