Other > Suggestions

Lower turn time for AI


I think that the turn time for AI should be lowered to 10 or maybe 5 seconds

because the AI doesn't have to think about it's next move.. they only execute commands and scripts for the given situation.. if they haven't done anything by the time 10 seconds are up.. then chances are they will just sit there for the full 30 seconds... annoying.

this would be a good simple solution.. unless you find a way to simply end their turn if they know that they will do nothing.. but i figured that lowering their turn time would be simpler from a scripting point of view.

Nice idea, I hated it when I used to get Turn-Based bugs with loads of NPCs and all of them waited their 30 second turns.

Aww but now some of us have time go to kitchen for food and drinks man  :P

Oh look a cave  - Oh lookie 6 enemies that I can easily kill and that have good loot **minigunburst on the first one**

TURNBASED... oh shit....

jup great idea, 10 seconds more than enough :>


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