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Questions regarding finesse perk


I heard it adds 30% dr to your target, is this true or does it reduce your damage by 30%? Also this 30% dr, is it across the board for damage types or is it only for normal damage?

It adds 30% DR for every damage type to your target, don't know if it work for armor piercing ammo, but bypassing critical ignores finesse penalty so I think AP ammo should work too.

Is it good choice for sniper with high perception and luck 6/10?

it sounds kinky ... if it gets ignroed by "ignroe armor" (the penalty) then i would assume its added at top of DR target has...

so lets say target has 40 DR add 30% and it makes 70% DR - thas big defferance if the penalty would be separate .. (58% reduction in this case)

You would need to find answer hows the crit chance bonus for aimed hits and then you could estimate the real worth of the bonus crit..


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