Other > Faction Announcements
The Sarmatians Recruiting
hey in what part of the world are you guys located?
Everywhere, and no where. Or did you mean physically? ;)
Physically we travel from east to west, and from north to south. Wherever our psychical part lead us.
Haha, could you be any more unprecise? ;D
yeah dude what kind of an answer is that?
i'm asking because im in VC and would like to stay around here if i decide to join.
Our recruits base is south and we have 2 PVP bases north, one near Modoc and the second near Redding. But we have tents all over the woldmap for specific hunts (SF, Hub, BOS, Raiders, Mutties, etc.) So it's pretty difficult to answer to your question because we aren't static at all.
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