Other > Suggestions
death-that-does-not-heal-you + looting unconscious + tapping out
I bundled some different ideas in this single thread because they all are related to each other. I know some of these suggestions were considered months ago, but as I still think they would make the game better, I bring them up again and also present some theoretical solutions to problems people fear they would cause.
1. Crippled body parts, poison level, radiation level stay after death
Death should never be considered an option by a player. And currently, death's healing properties give some incentive to die. Why look for doctor to heal your eyes or some rad-away to recover your stats when you can just die? Meanwhile, we've got a whole useless profession...
current cons: but greeferz will keep cripelin evrythin ther is to cripel! antidot?? cmonn! this game iz omgrpg not simcity! i dont wannuh waist my time lookin for som stoopid antidot lol
solution: a) making it impossible to cripple or score a critical on creatures that have 0 or less HP.
b) tapping out
On a side note, poison and radiation could use some improvements. Poison could cause more damage (or more quickly) and there should be much more ways to get radiated. But this is a whole new subject.
In case of radiation death, radiation should be lowered to almost-lethal level. Similarly with poison depending on how it would work in the future.
2. Looting unconscious
Make unconscious humanoids lootable. Maybe I just want to take someone's cigarettes and caps, but let them keep their leather jacket and Desert Eagle they played whole day to get. There should be a possibility to be a robber not a murderer. The victim could be just left in the wastes to recover or could be healed if the robber was a "nice guy".
current cons: greefurz wont have an insentiv to kill me and will keep me below zero all teh day!
solution: tapping out
3. Tapping out
The idea I got from playing RTCW back in the days.
When in unconscious state (caused by having 0 or less HP), player should be able to "tap out" (either by clicking on some new icon, or by pressing a key, or by typing in a command -- anyhow) that is to just die and wait for respawn forfeiting the chance to be healed. Technically it could work by self-inflicting 20 points of damage.
I vote for "yes".
I vote yes for the points 2 and 3.
1 and 2 takes my voice , nice ideas !
--- Quote from: Archvile on January 19, 2010, 03:37:56 pm ---1. Crippled body parts, poison level, radiation level stay after death
--- End quote ---
This feature have been implemented for several week (maybe less... don't rembemer) before the wipe. And have been remove cause all low level character who have crippled legs are not able to escape random encounter.
Most of hem have not improve their outdoorsman skill and can't dodge random encounter... and cause of their crippled legs, they can't run away... and die.
So they respawn, try to go in some city... been trap in a random encounter on the way... and die
... and again... and again...
Maybe some NPC doctor on spawn map can solve this issue, but how paid for their service ?
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