* Luck also makes critical hits have more consequences on you:
- A sniper with 6 Luck shoots player with 1 Luck
- Player getting shot is going to get a lot more Knock-outs/downs/damage multipliers, than if he had 6 Luck.
What? Why Knock downs and knock outs? It's EN, not LK. Also critical roll isn't dependant on LK, it's just 1d100 roll +better critical perk as +20, if character has it.
If someone critically shoots you, you making counter roll against: blinding, armor bypass, instakill.
So with 1 LK you'll be easily blinded, instakilled and your armor will have no effect most of time.
It also affects FA/Doc skills, as I know. Max HPs healed is always your FA%, min is dependant on this % and roll, LK gives bonus to that roll, so your min HP healed will be more with 10 LK, than with 1 LK. Probably doc works the same way.