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Author Topic: Lock? Lock?! Give me Padlock!  (Read 7642 times)


  • Violent Pacifist.
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Re: Lock? Lock?! Give me Padlock!
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2010, 10:20:17 pm »

So... You get this lock, put it on a box, relog to an alt and get the items from the box?

...or put this lock on a hotel room, come back 1h later just to find a empty room because someone got lucky?

You think that the chance to brutforce a 4 number code is 1:10000? Think again (the key world is birthday paradox).

I don't like it.

You say this as if people don't generally alt Anyway, quite probably using the same lock system we have now on containers, so... I don't see how that is an argument, really.   :-X

Also: no locking of hotel rooms, they often come with their own player-locked container as it is, I doubt they are going to let some person put a new lock on the objects. 

Alts are a general problem of the game, but Until the skill system is redone (like it requires BADLY), and there is a separation of things like combat/other skills, then they will continue to exist.  I personally am also leaning towards seeing no reason to have the Charisma stat in a MMO, either.  The characteristic is not generally well used in my opinion, or really required.  If someone becomes a slaver, something else should dictate how many followers they have (Slaver ranks/faction anyone?), as well as the same going for Mercenary Leaders (New Perk: Leadership!, and a small number of associated perks to the subject, too...)

Anyway... I would love to see some changes, but I do not see it happening, so meh.  Back on track: quit talking like people don't alt anyway.
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Re: Lock? Lock?! Give me Padlock!
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2010, 09:56:07 am »

Let's be honest, this is for moving items to alts.
If thats the goal, then why hide it? Just add a option to make a shared deposit box at FLC.
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  • Violent Pacifist.
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Re: Lock? Lock?! Give me Padlock!
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2010, 03:35:13 pm »

Let's be honest, this is for moving items to alts.
If thats the goal, then why hide it? Just add a option to make a shared deposit box at FLC.

Actually, no... I wanted a lock to be useful without having to cart around that god-forsaken key that is the entire crutch of the Lock system. 
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"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."- Rorschach
"It's what people know about themselves inside... that makes them afraid." -The Stranger
Re: Lock? Lock?! Give me Padlock!
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2010, 08:48:34 pm »

I like the combo lock idea.  As stated earlier, someone can just blow you away for your key and BAM, your SOL. 

With a combi lock, I have no worries because only I and trusted folks would know the combination.

I think thi swas mentione already but it would make the lockpick skill a bit more interesting with not only basic lock difficulty=skill, but reward folks with master lockpicking status (300+) the ability to have awesome locks.
Re: Lock? Lock?! Give me Padlock!
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2010, 09:21:42 pm »

I think thi swas mentione already but it would make the lockpick skill a bit more interesting with not only basic lock difficulty=skill, but reward folks with master lockpicking status (300+) the ability to have awesome locks.
Yeah, and the more skilled lock-crafter you are, the more numbers you can have as a password in your padlock. And ofc it would be harder to lockpick.
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Re: Lock? Lock?! Give me Padlock!
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2010, 10:29:54 pm »

this ideea might be good, instead of needing a key in the inventory,you will start a lock meniu to insert the correct code,if you fail the lockpick coldown shoud start and you can't try to insert it again
or use lockpick directly on the lock, like a normal lock ti try and pick  it


  • Violent Pacifist.
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Re: Lock? Lock?! Give me Padlock!
« Reply #21 on: November 08, 2010, 05:05:32 am »

Additional idea:  Perhaps with the proper parts, skill, and maybe even perks gained from a quest, one can make locks that destruct or destroy the containers door if the codes inputted fail so many times (as in a person fucking with it and being unable to break the code/lock)

As I recall, bombs can break open doors, or used to.  Maybe the same could be used for this after the container is fused shut, or maybe perhaps a Crowbar.  Random addition is random, but as I said many times before

Variety helps keep the game from being stale.
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"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."- Rorschach
"It's what people know about themselves inside... that makes them afraid." -The Stranger

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Re: Lock? Lock?! Give me Padlock!
« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2010, 09:50:04 pm »

This is absolutely a good idea, anyone who says otherwise is arguing for arguments sake.

why would a combination lock not be a good idea when it's implemented so much in reality?

on a side note does anyone know if re-locking caravans/cars has been fixed yet?
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